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The time went by slow as Jimin studies in his dorm alone. He doesn't mind the silence since he was used to be alone.

He stops writing and leans back to rest his back and neck. He massages his aching neck as he lets a exhausted sigh. He looks at the pictures of his family and him on the wall. He remembers the sweet moments he had with his family. He misses them so much.

He looks to the left, a paper is stick against the wall next the pictures. His eyes ran through the rules that Yoongi wrote on the second day since his arrival.

The rules if you want to survive in this dorm

1. Don't talk to me in the morning.

2. Don't look at me, talk to me, or get close to me in school campus or in class (if you're in one of my classes). We're not friends.

3. Don't talk to me when we're at the dorm, unless I give you permission. 

4. Don't go to my side or I'll murder you.

5. If my friends come over to our dorm, don't come here. I don't care where you'll sleep at. It ain't my problem.

6. Keep the dorm clean as possible. Don't touch my stuff, even if it's laying on the floor.

7. Don't break any of these rules or else ... you'll see what's coming.

He wasn't afraid, but he can't help but to think what Yoongi meant 'you'll see what's coming'.

Will I get kick if I disobey one of his stupid rules?

Jimin rolls his eyes and puts his stuff away. He was tired and has an urge to go out and drink.

He hums and decide to get some fresh clothes. He strip off his sweats off and puts on his tight jeans. He takes off his loose shirt and grabs a white large t-shirt.

Yoongi opens the door and stops mid-way, looking at a shirtless Jimin.

Jimin notice and quickly puts the white shirt on. But what he didn't notice that Yoongi saw Jimin's abs and the light blush on his cheeks.

Yoongi quickly look away and went to his side. He drop his bag on the floor and lay on his bed. He cover his eyes with his arm and sighs.

Jimin stays silent as he gets ready.

He walks to the door and, without making any sound, he close the door.

Yoongi moves his arm and lets out air he was holding in. What was wrong with him? Getting turned on by his own roommate?

It was strange for Yoongi because he never experienced this before. He was not attracted to girls or men, but why Jimin?

What's so special about that midget? He thought as he stares the ceiling.

He push those thought behind and tries to sleep.







A loud giggle was heard in the dorm as Yoongi wakes up.

He looks at the door and found a drunk, giggling Jimin. He gets up from his bed and help Jimin up.

"Yong-ki!! I'm glad to-" hiccup "see ya."

"Whatever." Yoongi said, as he tries to make Jimin to walk over Jimin's side.

"Yong-ki-ah, you have a nice waist ... like a woman's waist. Mind if I take a look?"

Yoongi's eyes widened and looks at his roommate. Their faces were to close, their lips were dangerously close, almost brushing.

Yoongi glups loud and turns his head the other way, continuing his way to Jimin's bed.

Jimin continues starring at the other male appearance. His eyes runs down to the other's neck. Jimin wants to take a bit of that soft, milky skin. He moves his head close to Yoongi's neck and pecks softly.

Yoongi felt that and stops walking. He push Jimin to Jimin's bed. Jimin groans and tries to get up, but he was too drunk to get up.

"You sick fucker! Stay the hell away from me." Yoongi went to his bed and covers himself under his blankets.

Jimin pouts and gets to sitting position. He struggles to stand until he finally got it. He took a step and he falls down. He groans in pain and got to a crawling position. He crawls on his knees until he reach to Yoongi's side of the bed.

He gets on the bed and pulls the covers off of Yoongi.

"What are-" Jimin didn't let Yoongi to finish as he hugs Yoongi and covers the blanket over the two men.

"Don't wanna talk. Just wanna sleep with you."

Yoongi knows he couldn't do anything since Jimin was too strong. He hugs his roommate and Jimin place his head against Yoongi's chest.

"Goodnight ... Hyung." Jimin said as he sleep took over him.

One More Drink (Yoonmin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant