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[A.N]: Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this chapter was short. I had a dry throat for the past 3 to 4 days and I was feeling dizzy yesturday. Now, I feel fine.

I hope y'all enjoying this book. If you guys are impatiently waiting for the next chapter to relase, you may read my other books. Please vote my books and share them with friends!


The sun shines through the curtains of Jimin's room. Jimin was peacefully sleeping as he press his face against something warm, soft, and noisy?

Jimin open one of his eyes and he was instantly awake.

"What the fuck!?" Jimin yells and gets of the bed.

"Hey, can you shut up? I'm trying to sleep here."

"What- why- how- first of all, why are in my bed? Second, why the hell your chest against my face? And I'm getting the worst hangover in all my years ..."

"You came back drunk last night and you were very clingy and touchy. You asked me to sleep on your bed, so I did because you were also whining."

"Damnit, I was? Who brought me here?" Jimin's hand run through his black hair. [A.N: I can imagine how his fingers runs through his hair and looking all sexy 😍😍 omg I just died]

"Yourself." Yoongi grumbles and rolls his eyes.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8 now or I think it is ...? I don't know, check your dumbass phone."

"That stupid bastard." He murmurs softly.

"What did you say?!" Yoongi was about to burst his anger.

"N-Nothing, gonna get my phone."

Yoongi shook his head in annoyance and got up from the bed. He get close to his closet and picks out the outfit for today. He pick out a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater, a pair of black tight skinny jeans, a pair of black ankle high converse, and a black mouth mask.

Jimin checked under the bed to see if his phone was under, but it wasn't. He check the desk next to his bed and his phone wasn't there either. He check the pockets of his jeans and, sadly, it's not in his pockets.

"Hey, um can I use your phone for a bit ...? I can't find my phone."

"No, it ain't my fault you lost it. You were being too careless and a fucking idiot."

"I jus-"

"I said no, you fucking cunt. Get that shit inside your head."

Yoongi went to the bathroom, taking his clothes in his hands and slam the bathroom door.

"Rude. Why can't he be so nice for once?" He glance the phone on Yoongi's bed and decide to take a risk. He opens the phone, which it has no password, he went to phone calls and dials his number.

The phone rang and rang, but no one answered. He dials again, but it was the same.

He gives up and turns off the phone. He puts the phone back where it was and walks to his closet.

He grabs his own clothes and change into them.

Jimin was in the middle of changing into new, clean clothes when Yoongi open the door. Jimin was half naked except he was in his boxers.

They both blush so hard and look away.

"For fuck sake, change your damn clothes in the bathroom."

"But you were using the bathroom."

"You should have wait until I was done, stupid ass."

"When are you going to stop being so mean to me?" Jimin had enough of 'trying-to-be-the-good-guy' to his roommate.

"When are you going to stop being a bitch?" Yoongi backfire, he glares at the younger harshly.

Jimin didn't say anything. He was pissed off .... no worse, he wants to murder Yoongi by throwing him off a cliff.

He grabs his stuff and walked angrily to the bathroom.

He stares at the mirror in front of him and smashes it. He looks at his reflection before looking at his hand now covered in blood.

"I hate you, Min Yoongi. I wish you were never my roommate." Jimin spoke after he took 5 deep breaths to calm himself down.

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