Chapter 7: Suicide

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(A/n: Warning Close suicide)

I wrote my note and put it next to me. I took my little folding knife and put it on my wrist, I started to move it but got interrupted by someone screaming STOP!!

I look to see who it was and saw Lauren running up to me, I ignored her and continued to move the sharp blade against my wrist. Blood came out and I stared at in a daze, thousands of flashbacks repeating. One stood out, the memory of Ray's Blood flowing out as I helplessly screamed and screamed for someone to save us.

A tear slid across my face as I shook the memory off. I'm joining you Faith, Now you can scold me personally, I was about to do another hard swipe but someone stopped me. Lauren stopped me

"Let go Lauren" I say through gritted teeth "No" She replies I yank my wrist from her using force. She let go and I once again tried to swipe it but of course Lauren stopped me again.

"Let go at least I'll be seeing Faith, No one needs me" I say "Someone does need you, Mitch needs you" She replies, I yank my hand away again "She'll do fine without me" I smirk and swipe my wrist. I felt the blood ooze out. A few seconds later I was blacking out

The last thing I remembered was Lauren screaming out my name and catching me. Then I fell unconscious

//////Lauren P.O.V.//////

I caught Y/n as she blacked out and started to fall to the ground I took the nearest first-aid and wrapped bandage on her wrist

I called Mitch and told her everything shakily and hurriedly

//////Mitch's P.O.V.///////

As I heard Lauren tell her little scene with Y/n. I had mixed feelings

Sad because she couldn't fight back against her past Anymore

Worried because she just committed suicide

Mad She didn't follow Lauren's advice and totally forgot reason and logic

Disappointed because she always told me not to lose hope or reason and logic too

Angry because she didn't tell me she was still hurting that bad

And very much

Hurt because she thought I'd be fine without her

I hurried to my house after calling 911

I saw Y/n lying unconscious on Lauren's arms.

My eye caught sight of the note

Dear Mitch

I'm probably either dead, or close to it right now

I know I've told you not to lose sight of Reason, Logic and Hope ,but that's exactly what I did

I know you're probably disappointed in me

Probably Mad too

And I know you're most definitely sad and worried

I wanted to stop feeling. The feeling I felt when I held Ray in my hands

I wanted every single thing to stop reminding me of Ray-Ray

I'm really sorry for doing this.

You know that thing I've been hiding from you these whole past weeks

It was your favourite dress, and Jewelries, also Tickets to the concert and Meet and greet. To your favourite singer Tori Kelly.

It was really hard to hide those from you, You were so witty and paid attention to so many small details.

Wanna know another thing that was hide to hide from you.

My problems, there were days I really wanted to tell you but you always had your own problems so I didn't want to bother you with mine

Just know, I did think about you before this. I know you'd prolly be sad the first few weeks ike me

And you'd always be hurting like me too. And you won't have anyone to talk to that's why I did this

There's A big box in my closet

Inside there's A Talking friendly bot, I made it just like me

A diary, write your feelings out all you want

and A recording of me saying it'll all be fine

You're a much stronger girl than me (Mentally I'll always whoop your ass in Physical fights)

You can move on.

-Yours truly

Y/n L/n ur amazing best friend : )

I cried as I finished the note

Freaking idiot a recording isn't the same



WORD COUNT: 668 words

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