Chapter 10: A Too Sweet XMas

Start from the beginning

"Aww, he's learning," she cooed. "Well, I'm about to go through TSA so I'll see you this evening."


It was now Sunday and Lily was in the middle of her match against Nia. She felt like crap and Nia throwing her around didn't make it any better. The crowd was booing. Lily didn't know if it was because they were still upset with Nia for injuring Becky a few weeks ago or if they genuinely cared that she was being beat up. Maybe it was a mix of both. She'd been putting on great matches every time she went out so the crowd didn't give her hate anymore and online she'd only get a few occasional trolls...and Finn fangirls calling her a drunk who didn't deserve him.

Her legs felt weak and she could barely run the ropes. Nia tagged in Tamina who Lily was booked to make a comeback on and get the win but she felt lightheaded and dizzy so she tagged a confused Ember in to pick up the win for their team.

Lily had barely made it backstage in time to drape herself over the toilet bowl in the bathroom. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face. In the mirror, she noticed a stall opening and made direct eye contact with Alexa who joined her at the sink.

"Pre-match drinks?" Alexa asked after a long awkward silence.

"I haven't tasted alcohol since that fateful night," Lily denied.

"Oh, wow. I was actually kidding during my promo a few weeks ago but I guess you really are pregnant with Baby Balor."

"I'm not pregnant. I think I have food poisoning. Fergal finds the weirdest eating establishments to take me to in different towns. So I woke up sick like this...and still went out there and out worked your average match," she mumbled the last bit to herself.

"Food poisoning, you think," Alexa put her hands up and backed away. "I have enough medical issues, I don't need another."

"Lilith, you look horrible," Finn commented when he found Lily backstage after the show.

"Thanks," she replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious! You're pale, sweaty and you look like you'll collapse at any second. You knew you were sick this morning and I begged you to pull out of your match tonight but you went out there anyway in this condition," he felt her forehead with the back of his hand. "Jesus, you're burning up with a fever."

"Fergal, I'm fine. I just need sleep," she yawned.

"Give me your bags," he slung them over his shoulders. "Let's go."

Lily felt the car stop underneath her. Her eyes were still closed but she could detect bright lights shining on the other side of her lids. She squinted her eyes open and saw 'Emergency Room' in big red flashing letters. "Seriously?"

She didn't remember much after he took her inside. One minute Finn was asking her information as he filled out paperwork and the next minute she was asleep again. When she woke she heard steady beeping. She tried to move and found IVs hanging from her arm. Finn and who she assumed was a female doctor stood at the foot of her hospital bed.

"Ms. Hickenbottom?" the doctor called out.

"Y-yes," Lily weakly acknowledged.

"I'm Dr. Patel and your examination finished about an hour ago," she replied.

"What's wrong with me?" Lily questioned.

"Would you like to tell her?" Dr. Patel looked over at Finn.

Finn walked forward to her bedside. "Lilith, remember when we were climbing up Bray Head and we discussed our future offspring? Well, he or she is coming sooner than we thought," he explained.

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