Chapter 32 : Change

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Songs to listen to ESPECIALLY for this chapter ! ( make sure it's on repeat ) :

1) A Little Braver by The New Empire
2) Can You Hear Me by Ben

"Let's break up.", Jisoo said suddenly, swallowing, trying to keep herself from crying.

"W-what? Break up?", Jinyoung said and he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

"I've thought about it.", Jisoo said, avoiding Jinyoung's eyes, because she knew if she looked at him, she wouldn't be able to leave.

"What? Jisoo why?", Jinyoung said, feeling his heart ache, "Why are you doing this to me? Why Jisoo?", Jinyoung said, but Jisoo stayed quiet, and that only frustrated Jinyoung even more, "Jisoo damn it, wh-"

"Because we're being selfish Jinyoung.", Jisoo said, "We can't be together, it's just-it's just not right.", Jisoo said, voice cracking, wishing it was right, wishing that she had fought harder for them.

"Then we make it right. You can't just walk out on me like this.", Jinyoung said in denial, "After all we've fucking been through Jisoo..this is how it ends?", Jinyoung said, angry and upset.

"I've thought about it Jinyoung, and you can't stop me.", Jisoo said, ignoring his question, swallowing, "And I've resigned too.", Jisoo said, finally looking up at Jinyoung, eyes teary.

Jinyoung quickly walked over towards her, and took her hands in his.

"Please, please don't leave, you can't leave me.", he pleaded, and Jisoo couldn't bare to look at him. Her eyes were only on her hands that Jinyoung was holding so tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Don't do this Jinyoung.", Jisoo said, voice cracking as she tried to pull her hands away but Jinyoung only held on to it tighter, "It's over.", Jisoo said, barely audible, "Let me go.", Jisoo pleaded, trying to pull her hands away, only to fail.

"No. It can't be.", Jinyoung said pleadingly, "We'll make it work Jisoo, we'll make it work.", he said.

"We won't, we've said that over a million times Jinyoung, it's not going to work.", Jisoo said, pulling her hands away, succeeding this time, "No matter how much we try, it's never going to work, Jinyoung.", she said as a tear slipped.

"Jisoo..", Jinyoung said as he tried to touch her but she backed away.

"Please, don't come looking for me anymore. And thank so much you for everything.", Jisoo said, looking up at him, thank you for all the love and joy you've given me, thank you for being a part of my universe, "I hope you'll be happy Jinyoung.", Jisoo said, and thats when she pulled her bags out.

"Jisoo, please.", Jinyoung said as he held her wrist, stopping her.

"", Jisoo said with a deep sigh not even looking at him, and she pulled her wrist away, quickly walking out, leaving Jinyoung behind, dumbfounded and heart broken.


Jisoo ended up at a hotel later after that, and as soon as she walked into the hotelroom, she slid to the ground and broke down into tears. She then pulled her bags further inside and lied down on the bed, getting her phone.

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