Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did

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Jennie looked at the plane taking off with Jisoo by her side. It was the night of Jackson's flight, and she sighed. Jisoo heard her and comforted Jennie by rubbing her upper arm in assurance.

"Eight months will go by fast.", Jisoo said and Jennie looked up at her with a tight smile.

"Can we go for dinner?", Jennie asked and Jisoo nodded.

They ended up at one of the restaurants in the airport. After having their orders taken, Jisoo and Jennie started talking.

Jennie then took Jisoo's hand to look at the ring she has on.

"It's beautiful, congratulations.", Jennie smiled, and Jisoo shook her head.

"No, I want out of this more than anything.", Jisoo sighed, "I think you know exactly who I want to be with.", Jisoo said as she looked up at Jennie.

"Jisoo..", Jennie said with a sad smile, "Just so you know I'm rooting for you both.", Jennie said encouragingly, and Jisoo nodded.

"I just wished it was easier you know. I think I belong with him but then something happens and I think it's not meant to be.", Jisoo said.

"Things like this take time.", Jennie advised, "If it's meant to be then you'll end up with each other regardless.", Jennie said and Jennie felt sorry for Jisoo, with her bestfriend gone, and her relationship with Jinyoung in ruins, Jisoo seemed lonely, "Jisoo, since Jackson's miles away from us..and he'll be probably busy, I hope you know that you can come to me whenever you feel sad or when you feel like the world is too much. I can fill in Jackson's shoes for you for the timebeing, I know how hard it is without your bestfriend physically there for you.", Jennie said with a sad smile and Jisoo was moved at that, no wonder Jackson fell for you. She thought.

"Thank you so much Jennie, that was the first nice thing I've heard today.", Jisoo said with a smile.

"No biggie Jisoo, besides I actually want to get to know you better.", Jennie smiled and Jisoo replied with a me too and they spent their dinner talking about everything and anything. It was nice for the both of them, considering their bestfriends were both guys.


When Jinyoung and Jisoo first talked at the bookstore, Jinyoung already knew who she was, and he had already fallen for her eversince he first saw Jisoo by those lockers, reading.

And when they first started being friends, Jisoo and Jinyoung never thought of getting serious, the thought never did cross their mind. It just sort of happened, one day Jinyoung and her were fooling around at some bookstore and he just randomly started calling her his girlfriend, and Jisoo never questioned him, she played along.

But later on, that bloomed into something else, it turned into love, and everyone around them could see that they were in love.

They had the kind of love that makes you want to fall in love.

"In all honesty, I never planned on falling for you Jinyoung, I thought you'd just be a crush.", Jisoo said one night, they were at the rooftop, lying down beside each other, admiring the stars, "But when you first talked to me at that bookstore, I couldn't help it.", Jisoo trailed as she turned her body to face Jinyoung and he did the same.

"Are you kidding? When I saw you there, I was contemplating hard whether or not I should approach you, I was so nervous Jisoo. And I've never been that nervous around someone.", Jinyoung said with a chuckled and Jisoo smiled.

"I'm glad you did though.", Jisoo said and he smiled back.

"Me too.", he whispered.

Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINYOUNG | BLACKPINK KIM JISOO | JINJIWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt