Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again

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Jisoo had just gotten back from work one evening, she looked down at her watch and discovered that she had less than two hours to get ready, Jisoo had said yes to Jinyoung's dinner date proposal, she was excited but nervous at the same time, Jinyoung had offered to pick her up but Jisoo said she'd go there on her own.

She went into her room and started getting ready, Jisoo went into her walk-in closet, looking for something to wear.

"You're kidding me!!", she exclaimed to herself, she had no idea what to wear.

After looking through her closet again, Jisoo ended up wearing a pastel pink silk camisole top with white highwaisted legging jeans, she put on some makeup. Jisoo discovered that her makeup tonight made her look sweet as she smiled to herself in the mirror. And Jisoo had decided to let her hair down nonchalantly, she looked in the mirror and she smiled in satisfaction.

Jisoo grabbed her purse and made her way downstairs, humming as she held her white pumps in her free hand.

She was about to make her way to the front door until her mother stopped her.

"Jisoo?", her mother called as she scanned her daughter up and down, "Where are you going?", her mother asked.

"I'm meeting a friend mum.", Jisoo smiled.

"Oh, so you're not staying for dinner?", her mother asked, and then Jisoo glanced down at her watch.

"I don't think so.", Jisoo frowed, "But mayb-"

"Hello.", a voice interrupted, Jisoo looked up and saw that it was Joonki.

"What is he doing here?", Jisoo said with a hint of disgust in her voice as she rolled her eyes.

"Jisoo..", her mother said, "He's staying for dinner, can you stay for a bit too?", her mother asked.

"No, nevermind mum, I'll see you later, love you.", Jisoo said and her mother was about to respond but she immediately ran over to the front door, wanting to get out of there.

"Joonki this, Joonki that, everything is about him, what's so fucking great about him, what the hell.", Jisoo muttered under her breath as she struggled to put on her heels, suddenly after she was done, she stood up straight, taking a deep breath.

Stay calm, you're having dinner with your favourite person in less than an hour, so breathe. Jisoo thought to herself, smiling a bit, she was excited to see Jinyoung.

Jinyoung was already in front of the restaurant, waiting for Jisoo, he glanced down at his watch, Jisoo was slightly late, he pursed his lips together, thinking that maybe Jisoo changed her mind until a voice changed his mind.

"Jinyoung, sorry I'm late.", Jisoo said, Jinyoung looked up at her and he was blown away at how beautiful she looked.

"I-it's okay.", Jinyoung stammered, nervous.

Jisoo smiled at him and Jinyoung felt the air getting knocked out of his lungs, she never fails to take his breath away.

"Shall we?", Jisoo said, eyes sparkling as she nodded towards the restaurant they were standing right in front of.

"Let's.", Jinyoung smiled and the both of them walked into the restaurant side by side, and they turned heads as they walked into the restaurant, they looked like the perfect pair.

"So...", Jisoo trailed after they had ordered their food, she didn't know what to talk about, "How do we start?", Jisoo asked.

Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINYOUNG | BLACKPINK KIM JISOO | JINJINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ