Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You

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Songs you can listen to { On repeat ! } :

Can't go by Ben

After her birthday dinner with Jackson and Jennie, Jisoo had found herself driving aimlessly, not really having a destination in mind. And somehow that night, she ended up at some beach. She walked by the beach that night, under the moonlight, the only thing shining above her, and she saw a few couples laughing and talking, sitting by the waters, and Jisoo frowned at the rush of jealousy that went through her.

Jisoo then sat down by the waters, listening to the sound of waves, coming back and forth. And inhaling the breeze that smelled of the sea. It was a windy night too. Jisoo stared off into the distance as the wind blew on her face, and she inhaled when she felt a big lump forming in her throat. She brought her legs closer to her chest and a tear slipped, and with that she started sobbing.

Jisoo hated the fact that she was crying on her birthday, but when she received that present from Jennie and Jackson earlier, she knew that it was from Jinyoung and her heart broke because deep down she knew that it should've been the four of them tonight, Jennie, Jackson, Jinyoung and her. Not three but four.


Jinyoung was out at lunch, waiting for his private investigator. Considering that there was no way he could ask Jisoo about Ahn Hyunsuk. Jinyoung knew that he should've asked her when he bumped into her in the elevator that day, but he lost all his senses when he saw her. Suddenly, she was the only thing that mattered.

After awhile, his private investigator was finally here. They had sat down and talked.

"I need you to find someone by this name as soon as possible.", Jinyoung said as he handed him a slip.

"Alright, I'll try to get it done quickly.", his private investigator had said.


Jisoo was at her office one afternoon and it was almost lunchtime. Suddenly her personal assistant knocked on the door and Jisoo had asked her to come in.

"Miss Kim, there's someone waiting for you outside. For lunch.", she smiled widely, and Jisoo was weirded out as to why her secretary was beaming.

"What? Who?", Jisoo asked, perplexed, because she didn't promise anyone for lunch that day.

"It's the actor!! Seo Kangjoon!!", her secretary squealed and Jisoo cursed in her head, "Miss Kim you're so lucky!! You're friends with Jackson Wang and now Seo Kangjoon?", she exclaimed and Jisoo laughed nervously.

Kangjoon and her had been talking for three weeks now, and he had taken her out a few times before, despite her hesitating. But Jisoo had remembered that he did say that he was asking her out as a friend.

Kangjoon coming to her office was something that had never happened until today, and it freaked Jisoo out.

"Is that so?", Jisoo said with a nervous laugh, "Please tell him I'll be out.", she said, trying to look as happy as possible, and her secretary nodded excitedly, genuinely excited for Jisoo.

"Damn it!!!", Jisoo exclaimed once her secretary had left her office, "Kangjoon!!! Why??!", Jisoo sighed heavily as she rubbed her temples, she then recomposed herself, she stood up and grabbed her purse. Leaving the office room.

"Kangjoon..", Jisoo said nervously, "You didn't have to come all the way here.", Jisoo said.

"It's not a problem at all, besides I really want to have lunch with you.", Kangjoon smiled.

Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINYOUNG | BLACKPINK KIM JISOO | JINJIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora