Chapter 11 Cole

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This last week I have spent every moment with Violet and the times we couldn't I spent playing basketball. I needed a distraction, anything to take my mind off my dad. He has rung again, but I declined the call. He has hurt this family too much and he will manage to do it from in prison too and I won't allow it. That's why I haven't told mom yet about dad's call, she will just end up getting upset.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Justin says shoving my shoulder.                                             

"Sorry, I was just distracted"

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just got stuff on my mind. I've got to go this way. I'm meeting Violet at her locker" I say pointing towards the opposite corridor.

"You two are getting pretty serious"

"Well it's still early, but I really like her a lot"

"Well just don't do anything stupid, like committing or anything. Just imagine the horror" He grabs me around the neck and pulls me down. I shove him off me and make my way to meet Violet.

When I approach Violet's locker, I notice something all over it. As I get closer, I read the banner on it and it says Happy Birthday  in pink glitter. It's Violet's birthday. She never told me. How did I not know? I wait across the hall leaning up against the lockers. As soon as Violet approaches her locker Kate jumps out of nowhere. She squeals and hugs Violet.

"Happy birthday!" Kate shouts and Violet clearly looks embarrassed, as people turn to look. Violet quickly grabs the banner on her locker and pulls it off. Kate rolls her eyes, but laughs it off not bothered.

"Thank you, Kate, but just keep it down" I read Violet's lips. As soon as Kate walks off and it's my time to slip in. Violet has her back to me, as she gets her books out of her locker                 

"Hey birthday day girl" I whisper in her ear. She groans and turns around to face me

"How did you know?"

"The big glittery banner kind of gave it away. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask trying to hide how hurt I was.

"Honestly Cole it's no big deal. Birthdays just aren't that special to me and Kate only does this to piss me off" she says holding up the banner.

"I must be the worst boyfriend ever to not get you anything" As soon as the words are out my mouth I freeze and don't know what to do. Why did I let that slip? I wish I could take that back, but it's out there now. Damn you Justin for putting that in my head.                         

"Boyfriend? I didn't know you were seeing anyone" she says teasing me. She can see the horror on my face and decides not to carry on. "Is that you asking me Cole?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, there's no pressure if you don't want to" I ramble and stop before I say something else stupid.


"What?" I ask confused.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend even though that was the worst proposal ever!" she laughs. I feel like doing a silly little dance, but I make sure my feet stay cemented to the floor. I can't hide the grin as I kiss her and my whole body ignites. I have a girlfriend. And a really hot one.            

"So, are you doing anything for your birthday?" I ask as we walk to class.                           

"Nope, I don't want to, so don't get any ideas. Maybe we could hang out at your house and watch a movie?" she says trying to balance her books in her arms so they don't fall. I take her them from her and continue to walk to her class.

"Yeah, sure"

"So, what are we doing for Violet's birthday?" I ask Kate after finally finding out what class she had. She jumps back, clearly not aware of my presence.                                                                

"God, give me a little warning next time" she says clutching her chest. "Nothing, she never does anything"                                                                                                                                                
"I know, but that was before me. Besides your her best friend how could you not do anything?" 

"Look I know your new at this, but I know Violet better and she never wants to do anything. Trust me I have tried. I always try and get her to have a party, but she never agrees"                       

"Then let's have a surprise party then. She is just too polite to ask for one. I bet she would love it. Besides she would love me and you getting along." I say trying to be as persuasive as I can. I feel guilty for not getting Violet a birthday present, so I want to do something for her and hopefully this will make up for it.

"Fine, it can be at my house. Come over after school and we can arrange the details" she sighs.

"If she hates it, it's on you" she points her finger at me.

The rest of the day I sat in lessons planning in my head all the things I need to buy for the party and I write down the people I want to invite. I think I have all of Violet's friends down, from who I have seen her talking too, but I will have to check with Kate.

As soon as the bell rings I shoot out of school and I am out of the parking lot leaving smoke behind. There is too much to do before tonight. I have helped Justin plan some parties before, but not in a few hours.

The first place I go is Walmart to grab some snacks. I call up Joey, whilst grabbing handfuls of pretzels off the shelf and shoving them in my basket. Joey will buy the alcohol. He is the guy everyone goes to. Nobody knows how he gets it, but it's best to not ask. I grab some balloons and head for the check out.

When I get to Kate's house, she is rushing about all over the place giving everyone hundreds of demands. I help her move some furniture out of the way and set out the food and drink.           

"So where are your parents?" I ask between breathes trying to blow up the balloons. I thought I was more fit than this, but after this I think I am going to have to up my cardio.

"I sent them out for the night with my sisters, I don't want them hanging about here"

"What and they are just fine with that?"

"Yeah, obviously" she says, as if it was the most stupid question ever. My mom would never let me have a party and she would murder me if she found out I did. The thought of someone spilling a drink on my mom's perfectly white carpet would send shivers down her spine.

By the time the house is ready and Justin has called round to everyone, I feel sick. All of a sudden, I think maybe this wasn't actually a good idea. Violet didn't want anything for her birthday. What if she hates the party? 

The doorbell rings taking me out of my trance. "Show time!" Kate shouts walking towards the door. I guess it is too late now. People start to pour in, it looks like it is going to be a bigger turn out than I thought.

I quickly grab Kate by her elbow "Is everything sorted with Violet? when is she coming?"  

"It's fine, I have everything under control" she swats my hand away. I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I turn the music up louder, trying to drown out my worries.

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