Chapter 10 Violet

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It's already Friday and I am walking into school with Cole. We have spent every day together this week. Our history project started off as an excuse to spend time together, but that wore off pretty quickly. We have spent all our time at his house or at Jed's diner. I have even got to know some of his friends, as me and Kate sat with them a lunch a few times.

He met me this morning outside of school to walk in together. Of course, I had to walk the other kids to school, which meant I had to come up with some excuse to why we couldn't drive together. We walk to his locker first and then to mine. I wiggle the lock a few times to get it to open and then take my books out, which Cole quickly takes from me. "I want to take you out tonight, on a real date. And Jed's doesn't count"


"Yeah, I don't have basketball tonight and don't worry I won't keep you out to late" he assures me, as he looks at my concerned face. Cole has learnt I have a curfew and need to be back for then, he must think I have really strict parents.

I had never been out on a real date before. I have hung out with guys before, but never just a one on one thing. My stomach suddenly goes in knots. Cole always seems to make me nervous, but also giddy. So, I quickly agree and he give me a quick kiss on the cheek, he hands me my books and goes off to class. I watch him walk away and wonder why he is wasting his time with me. Cole is definitely attractive with his blonde curly hair and gorgeous light hazel eyes that make me melt just from looking at me. He could probably get any girl and I have seen them checking him out when he walks past, but he seems oblivious. I'm scared this bubble is going to burst when he finds out about me. I'm not the girl he thinks I am.

The days goes by pretty fast and before I know it, I am back home getting ready for my date with Cole. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day long. Mrs David's had to ask me a question three times in Chemistry before I realised she was talking to me.

I facetimed Kate when I got back so, she could help me get ready. I wasn't sure what to wear, because I didn't know where we were going. In the end I decided on a pair of blue jeans, which hugged me nicely and a flowy white top. I did my make-up, whilst me and Kate discussed where I could be going. I ended up throwing my eyeliner across the room in frustration and decided to just keep my make-up simple. Besides I was too nervous to keep my hands steady.

I told Cole I would meet him at his house, because I had some where to be before. I knew he would want to pick me up, but I'm just not ready for this. As I rush out the door, Tommy and Cameron try to cling to my legs, begging me to stay and play with them. In the end I had to bribe them with a new toy for them to let me go.                                                                                                                                                                                               

When Cole opens the door, he has a sunflower in his hand, with a big cheesy smile. "Aww Cole, that's so sweet, I've never got flowers before or a flower" I say taking it from him. His smile meets his eyes, as I say it, clearly pleased with himself.

"I know it's a bit cheesy, but...I don't it's probably stupid" he says scratching the back of his head.                                                                         

"No, it's not" I frown at him "I love it!" I say even though I'm not a flower girl. They usually smell and die in a few days and they just remind me of grave sides. But it was sweet of Cole for getting me this and I wouldn't want to disappoint him, besides it is worth it seeing that smile on his face.

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