Chapter 2 Violet

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I was at Kate's house sipping on a glass of red wine after already taken two shots of vodka. Pre-drinks are essential, according to Kate. Kate is straightening her hair, whilst singing her heart out to ABBA. She was definitely already drunk. Kate's type of music is usually the kind you can't even hear over the screaming.

"Drink up!" she says frowning at me. I look down at the glass in my hand and take another gulp of it. Don't get me wrong I like a drink, but I would just prefer to get drunk at the party and not before we even leave the house. By the time I wake up in the morning I won't be able to remember a thing, but maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

I run my hands over my dress to smooth the creases out of it. It is actually Kate's dress, I usually borrowed her outfits anytime we went out somewhere like this. Kate had a big wardrobe and she especially loved her dresses and short skirts. Luckily this one wasn't to revealing, but it hugged my figure nicely.

"I heard Mike was going to be there tonight" Kate says, as soon as the song has ended. I have had a crush on Mike as soon as I set my eyes on him. He is talk dark and handsome and plays football. He is a walking high school boy stereotype. I had only spoken to him at parties, when I had a drink in me, I was much more confident. We had messed around a bit at Adam Cowin's party in his basement on a grubby old sofa that smelt of cigarettes, but nothing more. I told him no before anything else could happen, I wasn't a hit it and run type of girl.

I nodded, as if it was no big deal, but Kate knew me better than that. I had first met Kate at a birthday party when I was seven. It was a girl in my class, who I didn't know very well, but my mom made me go. It was Kate's cousin and she didn't know anyone else at the party. We both sat alone for most of it, watching the clock waiting for our parents to come pick us up. We eventually got talking and have been best friends since. Even though we were so different, we got each other. We kind of balance each other out.

We walk up the driveway, which is already littered in cigarettes and red cups. We walk straight in and head to the kitchen to grab a drink. Me and Kate push our way through the people. There is a good amount of people here, but the house isn't that big, which makes it seem like there are way more. I take the first bottle I see, which is vodka and pour it into a cup and add a bit of coke. I hand the bottle to Kate and she pours some straight into her mouth before into her cup. We sit on the counter top and talk to some people from our classes, whilst we finish our drinks. Once we have had a few we join everyone else in the front room. The music is coming out of three big speakers and it pounds through my chest. I'm surprised the party hasn't been shut down already, with the noise we are making. It's not like they are trying to be discreet.

"Hey!" a voice shouts in my ear. I turn around to see Cole standing there alone. He has his hands shoved in his pockets. He is just wearing black jeans and a white top, but I like it. He looks a bit lost here.

"Hi" I reply, unsure what else to say. I'm surprised to see him here, I never usually see him at these parties. But I have never looked out for him, because I didn't know him so that's probably why. Before he can say anything else, I am dragged away by Kate. I give him an apologetic look and he smiles back waving me off. 

"I've been looking for you" he whispers in my ear and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I instantly know it's him. I know he is trying to sound sweet, but it kind of comes across a bit creepy, but I am still happy he is here. I swivel around to face him and try to hide the grin on my face. "Want to play beer pong?" he asks nodding his head towards the ping pong table. I look towards Kate to get her reaction and shrug.

Me and Mike are together on one team and Kate with a guy I have never seen before on the other. I'm pretty sure she just picked him out of the crowd of drunk teens. The table is already set up with the red cups in a triangle each side of the table. I peer in the cups and wished I hadn't. The beer looks like it has been sitting here for weeks and has things floating in it. Thank god, I have already had a drink, because I wouldn't be able to stomach it. The game didn't last long, Kate killed us. Me and Mike got a few good shots, but Kate got one after another and by the end of the game I can barely aim and have to lean on the table to keep myself up.

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