"If you say that we've got English next, I will get upset!" I slowly smiled and he widened his eyes playfully "Right! That's it!"

He came over to me and started to tickle me, while I protested wordlessly. I didn't know how I felt about the physical contact, but I knew that this much without Noah pegging anything definitely meant that he didn't like me like that at all. For all I knew he was still going out with Mackenzie.

The bell went soon after that and we made our way down the stairs for English, noting that Noah hung back from me so that nobody could say anything about us hanging out. I had no idea what he was telling his friends when he spent time with me but they hadn't seemed to put anything together yet, so I guessed that was a good sign. Harrison wasn't coming for me yet.

The notebook that we'd used for the project was now getting quite tattered as we'd used it so much. The project itself was going pretty well; the story was getting written, though Noah had yet to figure out the meaning behind the plot. He let me guide it enough to keep the said plot though, so I guess it wasn't that bad. It was just how things were going to be.


Unfortunately, I'd been very wrong about one certain detail that day. To be fair, with the Noah distraction I had gotten pretty sloppy when it came to noticing everyone else, especially the person I tried to avoid at any cost.

"Oh hello Via, sorry I didn't quite hear you there!" He said in a patronising voice. My hands clamped into fists, but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. Nobody came here at lunch after all. "Oh, look at that – no greeting or anything. Honestly, I find that very rude" My legs wobbled underneath me, despite my brain telling them to be strong.

You just have to get through this via. You just have to hang through. It'll all be over soon

My brain repeated the words over and over in circles, but I knew that I wasn't entirely convinced; this wouldn't be over soon because it kept happening. I had a year of this at least.

"And she still doesn't reply – very rude indeed" He came closer to me and my nerves multiplied. "I might have to punish you for that one"

I held my breath and braced for impact.

You just have to get through this. You just have to get through this. You just have to get through thi-

And then he spoke. But it wasn't him, no that was... Noah? What in the world was going on? I lost track of where I was because all I could hear was the constant thrumming of my heart, the adrenaline still strong in my bloodstream. I felt dizzy and confused and all I wanted to do was go home and lie on my bed, listening to Nirvana without a care in the world for these people. Why wasn't that my life? Why did I have to deal with Harrison of all people? And why was Noah here?

"Noah?" Harrison's voice was shocked, and he immediately dropped me on the floor, my legs completely giving up on me. I wasn't surprised. "W-what are you doing here?"

It had definitely put him on edge, that much was clear.

"I was looking for you man – what are you doing?" Good. He hadn't given our friendship away at least.

"I-I-I was just..." He didn't have an answer and again I wasn't surprised, anything that involved that much physical contact only really had a few viable explanations. I didn't want to explore the others for obvious reasons. "I was just helping Via with something here" He sneered, wanting Noah to get it. It hurt that someone expected him to. Did I really know Noah that well?

"Well I'm not the only one looking for you – Coach is too – something about the captain trials?" I was still on the floor not wanting to get up. I didn't want to think about anything right now "He said to meet you in his office"

"OH, thanks ok I'm gonna go then" He exited the room swiftly, the door hinting at a faint slam and I looked up at the ceiling. Why did I still feel so dizzy? Noah rushed over to me in seconds and I felt guilty. Did I want to get Noah involved in this? Did I want to be selfish and cause a massive rift in his friendship group?

"Via? He called and I slowly exhaled. So that was why I was feeling light-headed – I hadn't noticed I'd been holding my breath for so long. His face was above mine in a worried expression that just made my guilt expand. People like Noah shouldn't care about me, that's not how it worked.

I took his hand and gradually sat up, despising my back for aching. I'm ok I signed slowly, but we both knew that it wasn't the truth. I didn't know how to explain it to him – after all even Harrison had had a hard time. He sat beside me, his hand pushing my hair out of my face. I turned to him and tried not to cry as best I could. This was a mess.

"How long has it been going on for?" I guessed this was the best time to tell him about my first day of this school.

Author's note
Hi! I really hope you're enjoying this story - I'm definitley enjoying writing it. I just wanted to say that I appreciate any feedback on my writing (I fully understand I'm not the best) so feel free to tell me anything!

Ok bye, don't forget to like and comment :)

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