Chapter 6 - The World Within

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As impulsive as he was, Jerius came to the Guild with a plan. He would win over Mirayoung, the only magician Lady Lyvia talked about at length as her closest ally. Then he would get an audience with Cabal, the mysterious ruling entity of five powerful mages merged as one, and garner their support with persuasive words and hard logic; though, he wasn't too sure about the former.

For all he knew, Aderis might have planted his agents deep within the Guild just as he did with Nox. And he needed to caution against them, an ongoing step till he uprooted them. Then he would rally a team and rely on the Guild's influence to reinforce Ceil and bring Ceil's government to his side as well.

Meeting Administrator Fermand Yaleheart, while being a step in the right direction, introduced an unknown element to his plan.

And her last name...

"Let's make haste," Jerius said again.

"Not so fast," Mirayoung suddenly said. "Judging by the day and time, I'm certain Fermand is in a ceremony right now. One of many duties an administrator needs to carry out, for which she never misses. So, we've an hour to kill."

"What?" Jerius snapped. "This concerns the lives of the entire Guild. No, the entire world. She needs to prioritize. We can go over and explain."

"You do not disturb an administrator deep in the Ceremony of Cabal. It's more than a ceremonial act. Certain powers and arrays we have are strengthened and maintained through the ceremony," she said then chose not to continue. "Now...come back in an hour and I will share our course of action. Don't be late."

Unconvinced, Jerius raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not idling as well," Mirayoung said. "You do know the news of Nox's destruction travelled far. Bards sang about it. Revelries and shock passed through villages to hamlets and cities. Our mages, who served as advisors in the courtrooms of many nations, brought back news that kings and lords are worried. Events are cascading from the courtrooms to the houses of worship, to the streets and homes. Then you came so suddenly, triggered a huge alarm and delivered the news of Aderis Killer with the real reason behind the destruction. This is all very overwhelming, so I need an hour to think. To come up with a strategy before we bring this to the administrator, whom we usually don't disturb except for the gravest reasons."

Conceding, Jerius sighed. "Will I be able to stay here and wait?"

"No, I think alone," Mirayoung said. "Go out and explore. The Guild has its charms, young one. I recommend the town square. You can reach there by turning left instead of going straight at the end of the lake."

"You'll let me go out? Am I not a dangerous Amok?"

Mirayoung almost couldn't hold back her laughter. "That little theatrical gesture isn't going to scare any magicians worth their salt. We've our mage legions, guardians, elemental golems, powerful wards... get the point. You're not going to be able to scare anyone, silly. Oh, maybe, just maybe the apprentices from the academy, so give them a wide berth, will you?"

"Are all archmagi this eccentric? Alright, don't reply to me please. I'm stepping out," Jerius rolled his eyes.

As he walked to the door, he heard her reply. "Above all, I trust that Lyvia's disciple and the current Prime Sorcerer of Nox is a sensible man who will act reasonably and not abuse the trust I give. And remember, you may roam based on the rights of the archmagus' guest. Keep that in mind."

"You've my word."

Closing the door behind him, he made a mental note of the time and wandered off, already memorising the route.

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