Chapter 25 - Evolution

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The Dome, host to the grand assemblies of the Guild, was not built by conventional means, as Jerius could tell at first glance. The ground and the walls were immaculately weaved together like silk, except the materials were ancient trees, white marbles and reinforced clay bricks. Thousands of illuminating orbs hung over large marble slabs that function as seats. 

A thick woven carpet stretched in all directions, except the rounded centre where it bubbled with pure white water.

Yesterday in the strategy room, it had been selected as the place of choice to trap the Shadow Wraith. It was an enclosed space using which the mages could trap the wraith in, had a vast interior within which the mages could make evasive maneuvers since magical defences are not too useful.

Its ground was also layered with a rare erudite material called Alumat ore, which, so long it was not exposed to the air, would remain impermeable and opaque to all corporeal and incorporeal beings. This meant the wraith would not be able to escape by burrowing underground.

Rumours had it that the Dome was built as a mark of victory over a hidden site that imprisoned a terrifying creature the founder once fought and sealed underneath called T'tar, said to be a nefarious creature from a realm more sinister than the Underbelly, the realm of the demons.

Six mages from assorted orders came to assist under Mirayoung's instruction and guidance, led by a sharp-featured man called Caqur. Having known about the wraith situation, the Cabal, true rulers of the Guild, had recommended Caqur as the best architect of the inscriptions and sigils to turn the Dome into a wraith trap.

A reserved man who preferred his tools to people, Caqur spoke little when he arrived with the other mages. He took instructions from Mirayoung, who advised on the glyphs and sigils to be marked on the walls and mat. As the rest led by Caqur started the preparatory work, one of the six, a muscled mage-blacksmith, had on hand a folded belt of nine daggers that he promptly handed over to Mirayoung. "Lady Aeroda, Master Iras thought it was appropriate to loan you. It will help your cause."

"The Daggers of Anasr. I didn't think Master Iras was able to unseal them in time," Mirayoung said, almost with a gasp. "Thank you, Iza."

Iza bowed slightly and joined Caqur and the rest in the preparation.

Jerius glanced at the grey folded belt. When he got close, he could vaguely make out the scented oil over the belt. Sensing his curiosity by the doe-eyed look he gave the belt, Mirayoung unfurled the belt cloth, revealing the daggers. "Master Anasr was a mage-blacksmith whose father was killed by a Shadow Wraith during a routine assignment outside the Guild. Determined to avenge him, Anasr forged the first dagger."

She pulled one out, revealing the tiny bell hanging off the hilt and the short wavy body of seven curves that glinted with different shades of ebony black, grey and brown. "Made from a part of a meteorite stone and tempered in the Furnace of Samadhi Fire, the dagger can sense and inflict harm on supernatural creatures like a wraith incredibly well. But he failed the first time, almost losing his life in that encounter if not for the Amulet of Pand he wore."

The Amulet of Pand, as Jerius remembered, is a rare single-use artifact that gives anyone a second chance at life by trading in one of the senses. And the Samadhi Fire was reputed to be the purgatory fire, the only other fire that could oppose Empyrean Flame.

"He was revived but he lost sight in one eye," Mirayoung said. "He returned to the Guild, forging two more daggers. Then he went to the road between Mondeus Village and the Guild, where the wraith would haunt. He failed again. The wraith this time escaped while he was afflicted with severe injuries."

"He went alone? Why not go with some help?" Jerius asked.

"He was as honourable as he was skilled with smithwork and enchantments," Mirayoung said. "He would not want anyone else to risk their lives in the stead of his vengeance. With three daggers, it was not sufficient. He returned and using the remaining of the meteorite stone, he forged the last six." She returned the first into the sleeve and pulled out one of the last six, which was shorter than the rest, having only five curves. "There wasn't enough of the stone to forge the final one, but it was sharp all the same. It was this that killed the wraith."

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