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smut smut smut smut smut...


   I don't know what I was thinking. I was just teasing Taylor and now we're about to fuck. I mean, it's great (when is it not?), but I never thought I'd be doing her. Especially when it's her first time. I just can't believe she actually told me to fuck her. I couldn't possibly turn that down.

   Taylor quickly pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it onto the floor. I bite my lip. She looks fucking sexy in her red lace bra. My eyes trail her down her torso, and my eyes go wide she I see she has her belly button pierced.

   "Since when do you have a belly button piercing?" I blurt out unintentionally. Taylor blushes and stutters while she tries to answer.

   "I, uh, got it like three months ago. I wanted to show it off to Hudson, but he's such a prude that he won't even look at me if I try to take off my shirt," she says, sounding really embarrassed. Embarrassed on Hudson's part, I hope.

   "Well that's a big fucking mistake on his part," I say, pulling my jeans off. Taylor lifts her hips off the bed so I can pull her sweats off. Her matching red lace panties make me want to fuck her senseless right now, but that would not be good for her first time. As much as I don't care for her, I don't want to her hate me because I hurt her.

   I hover over Taylor for a second before kissing her. While we kiss, I start rubbing her through her panties, making her moan. God that's sexy. I'm caught off guard when Taylor grabs me through my boxers. I accidentally bite her lip pretty hard, making her bleed.

   "God, I'm sorry-"

   "Shut up," she says, rolling her eyes. After another minute of this, I decide I've waited long enough. I strip Taylor of her sexy red lace and pull my boxers off. Taylor's eyes grow wide at the sight of me. It's like she's never seen a dick before.

   "Will it hurt?" she asks quietly, her cheeks turning pink. Her innocence kind of turns me on.

   "I'll try not to hurt you. Just tell me and I'll stop if you need me to," I say, a lot more gently than I intended. I mentally punch myself in the face. Now is not the time to be sappy. She nods and lets out a deep breath.

   "Ready?" I ask. She nods again and winces as I slowly push into her. I give her a bit to adjust, and then I start slowly moving. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she's biting her lip. I hope I'm not hurting her. After a minute she visibly relaxes, so I decide to go a little harder.

   "Fuck," Taylor breathes, gripping my biceps. I lean down and start kissing her neck, making her moan. I love how she's reacting to me. I don't know how many times I'm going to think this tonight, but it's super fucking sexy.

   "God, you're so tight," I say, loving the feeling. The comment makes Taylor blush again. Oh God, that's hot. I speed up, and soon Taylor's legs start shaking. She's close. I feel myself getting close, too, so I speed up even more and go even harder until we both come undone and Taylor screams my name. I pull out and collapse onto the bed next to Taylor.

   We're both silent for a few minutes, except for our heavy breathing. Taylor eventually sits up and tries to get off the bed. As soon as she puts her weight on her legs she falls onto the floor.

   "Shit," she whispers. She sits on the floor for a minute before crawling back onto the bed. She scowls when she sees me smirking.

   "Oh fuck off," she says.

   "Well I just got off by fucking you, so..." I trail off, grinning. Taylor smacks my arm and glares at me. We stay silent for a couple more minutes, and then I decide to leave. It's obvious we aren't going to get any of the project done tonight, so I have no reason to stay. I stand up and start putting my clothes back on.

   "You're leaving?" Taylor squeaks. I roll my eyes and turn to face her.

   "You really have no idea how the whole sex thing works, do you? If it doesn't mean anything, someone leaves right after. And you live here, so you obviously don't have to leave," I explain.

   "Oh. Sorry. I'll, uh, see you at school tomorrow," she says, blushing once again.

   "Yeah. We'll have to actually work on the project next time," I say with a smirk. Taylor glares at me and I just finish getting dressed and grab my stuff. I don't say anything as I walk out. I don't even look back. Who does after meaningless sex anyway?

   While I drive home, I can't get Taylor out of my head. It's really fucking annoying. The sounds I made her make are replaying in my head over and over again. It's distracting to the point that I have to blast screamo to drown out my thoughts. My ears are going to be ringing from this once I get home.

   When I get to my house I'm very surprised to find my parents sitting in the kitchen. It scares the shit out of me, actually. I may or may not yell a not-so-nice word at them.

   "It's good to see you, too, Grayson," my dad says dryly. I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. I just grab a water bottle and walk out of the room. I hate it when this happens. They'll leave for months and not talk to me at all, and then they'll just show up at home without telling me and expect me to welcome them with open arms. They haven't processed that leaving their kid alone 99% of the time doesn't earn love and affection.

   I decide that if they ask where I've been tonight, I'll tell them exactly what I was doing. I'll tell them I just messed around with a sexually deprived girl with a boyfriend. They'll get pissed off, and that's exactly why I'll say it. I'll let them think that leaving their teenage son alone corrupted him. They kind if already think that, but it's fun to reinforce the thought.

   I can remember so clearly that first time my parents came home and saw my lip piercing. I had just turned sixteen, and since my parents hadn't been home on my birthday, or even called me, I decided to ruin my dad's perfect image of me. I was a good kid up until sophomore year.

   When my dad saw my lip ring, he started screaming at me right then. He didn't even wait for my mom to leave the room. He yelled at me for five minutes straight, and then I calmly replied and told him that he has no control over me if he chooses to not be present in my life. That shut him up pretty quick. The same thing happened when I got my first tattoo. Aren't parents just lovely?

   I throw my backpack onto my bed and since it's not zipped up, my poetry binder falls out. I smirk and tell myself to tell Taylor she should write about us hooking up for the intimacy poem. She'll probably hit me, but it's worth it.


Sorry it's been a while, but school is super stressful and consumes my life. And I have no idea how long this is because I wrote it on mobile because my laptop has been stupid lately, so sorry if it's unusually short, but I don't think it is.

But ooooooh they did the frickle frackle! Haha anyways... I'll work on this as much as I can, but I have no idea how much time I'll have for it.

Pretty pretty please vote, leave comments, and tell all your buddies about this! :)

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