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   The day starts out like any other day. I walk into my first period Calculus class and sit in my seat in the corner in the back of the room. My day doesn't really begin until other people come in and I start judging every little thing they do. This is my life. I'm really fucking judgmental of everyone. I never pay attention in class; I just judge people. For example, right now, the girl sitting front and center is smacking her gum way too loud and talking like she belongs in a cheesy high school drama show. Typical high school bitch.

   Second period Physics. The guy sitting next to me needs to control his boners. The girl sitting next to him needs to stop tapping her pen on the desk. She's so annoying. The teacher has a little bit of a lisp, and I have to hold myself back from making fun of it every single day.

   Third period European History. My most boring class. The teacher is kind of hot, but it's not really enough to make the class less boring. There are too many girls in this class. There's only six guys out of the thirty something kids. The guy I sit next to always smells like pot, and today it's especially strong. I swear all he does is smoke. He's going nowhere in life.

   Fourth period weights. I enjoy this class because it's not actually learning. All we do is work out, and it's awesome. I also like this class because I get to kind of show off. I look kind of skinny, but I have great muscles and I'm actually really strong. I can bench more than all of the suckers in my class, including the coach. I could probably be a better coach than he could be. He almost failed me last semester because I benched so much more than him that he got really mad. I threatened his job, so he's never tried arguing with me again.

   I spend lunch sitting alone in a secluded hallway like I do everyday. I work on homework, and sometimes I get out my sketchbook and draw to get my mind off things. Today is just a homework day because nothing's really on my mind. After I finish all my homework that I had to do, I listen to music on my phone and play 2048.

   Fifth period poetry. This is my favorite class. I love poetry. It's such a good way to get emotions into words, and it's so abstract that it's never thought about simply. There's so much open for interpretation, and I love it. But my class is stupid. It's a kind of small class, but almost all of my classmates are idiots.

   Specimen number one: Taylor Collins. I really dislike her because she's the perfect, stereotypical high school blonde. She's the most popular girl at school, and she's dating the most popular guy at school. Her long blonde hair is always done to "absolute perfection" (her words almost every day) and she dresses like she has a photo shoot every single day. She's bright and bubbly and it just annoys me since I'm a really quiet person. She has her wanna-be sidekicks and is always gossiping about something.

   And that's why I'm mortified when Mrs. Shay puts us in pairs for a month-long project and I get stuck with Taylor as my partner. When Mrs. Shay says my name, Taylor looks around, confused, like she didn't know there was such a person as Grayson. She probably doesn't even pay attention to anyone except the other popular blonde girl in this class.

   I get up and move to the seat next to Taylor, and I'm trying so hard to contain my anger. I might have to ask Mrs. Shay for a partner change. I don't know if I'll be able to spend a whole month working with Taylor. When she introduces herself I'm kind of rude about it, but I don't feel bad. Some people I just can't help being rude to, and apparently Taylor Collins is one of them.

   I'm so glad when fifth period ends and I get to leave and go to my sixth period video production class. This is the perfect class. We rarely do anything in this class. We pretty much just mess around on cool computers all of class and listen to music. The teacher, Mr. Olson (though he lets us call him Jake) is this super young guy, so he's pretty cool and lets us do whatever we want. Sometimes I'll just go to class for like ten minutes and then I'll just leave and go home. Jake doesn't even care. All teachers should be like that.

   After school I usually hang out in my sixth period for a bit and talk to Jake. He's really the only person at school I talk to. I don't have friends, so he's my only conversation throughout the days. I only hang around for a few minutes, and then I go out to my car. I drive a forest green Hummer with completely tinted windows. It's pretty sweet.

   While I'm putting my stuff in my car, I notice Taylor and her boyfriend, Hudson, saying goodbye next to Taylor's car. After she drives off, a junior walks up to Hudson and they get in the car. Huh. I think that's John's younger brother. John is Hudson's best friend. I wonder what Hudson is doing with his little brother. I watch them drive away, towards Hudson's house. Hm.

   My drive home takes a while because I live  like half an hour outside of town. My neighborhood is one of those neighborhoods that really isn't a neighborhood. It's a few gigantic houses spread out in this hilly/marshy/woodsy area that no one has really heard of.

   My parents own a huge business, so we're really wealthy. I'm also an only child, so I get pretty much anything I want. I don't know why we even have this huge house. My parents are rarely home. I don't think I've seen them for at least a month. The longest I've gone without seeing them  is seven months. It's really not that bad, though. It's like I'm living on my own; I just don't have to pay for anything. I don't let people know that I'm rich because I don't want to get used for my money. It's happened before, and I'm not risking it again.

   I get the whole third floor of the house to myself. There's my bedroom (that's huge and has its own bathroom), an office, a library, a couple other bedrooms, a theater/videogame room, and another bathroom. It's pretty nice. My room is the coolest part of my house, in my opinion. The summer before sophomore year, my parents let me do a complete room makeover. I pretty much just made my room a technology hub.

   Everything in my room is voice activated. I can turn on the TV and pick movies, close the blinds, turn on the lights, open my closet, and tons of other things, just with my voice. I have a surround sound audio system hooked up for my TV and my music. Half of my room is dedicated to all this techie stuff. I have a fancy desktop computer and a laptop on my big desk in one corner, a 60-inch flat screen TV on the wall, a music station (I like remixing music and editing stuff) and a big touch-screen that can control everything in my room, from the lights to the music.

   When I walk into my room I tell it to turn on some My Chemical Romance and turn on my desktop. I throw my backpack on my bed and sit in my big office chair at my desk. I surf Tumblr for a while, but then I get pretty bored, so I get up and sit down in front of my music laptop. Welcome to the Black Parade is playing right now, so I decide to mess around with some remixes of that. And that is how I spend the rest of my night.


So! There are the three main characters! :) What do you all think so far? What do you think about the characters? Which one is your favorite?

I just wanted to get this chapter up because I wanted you guys to have a taste of the story through all 3 POVs, but I probably won't be updating nearly as much for the next month or so. School is wrapping up, so I've got to study for my AP test and then it will time to study for finals, so I won't have much time for any of my stories on Wattpad. But I'll try my best.

Vote and comment! :)

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