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I leave Grayson's house, furious at him, at Hudson, and at myself. I don't want to believe it, but the more I think about it, the more I believe Hudson is gay. I guess I've always know something was up with him, but I guess I just didn't think that it could be that.

I spend the rest of the week upset and I don't talk to anyone, including Hudson and Grayson. Lots of people ask what's going on, but I ignore them all and everyone probably just assumes I'm on my period or something stupid like that. My parents even call me and I tell them I'm not in the mood to talk. It's bad.

I finally give in and text Grayson. I haven't had sex for almost a week, and I'm horny as fuck. I know that makes me sound like a slut, but Grayson and I have been doing it so much that a week is a long time going without.

When Grayson gets to my house, he makes me sit down and talk to him. All I want to do is get down and dirty, but he insists.

"Taylor, what you're doing isn't healthy. You can't completely ignore everyone in your life just because you're in denial about Hudson. It's really childish."

"What the fuck would you be doing if you had been dating someone for a year and you found out they were cheating on you with someone of the same gender?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Well, you have been cheating on him, too, you know. He's not the only guilty one here," Grayson says.

"Oh fuck off. You agreed to this thing we have even though you knew I was in a relationship, so you're kind of an accomplice. Plus, I wouldn't be like this if you hadn't told me about Hudson, so this is really all your fault," I say, really just not wanting to seem completely at fault. I realize that I missed all the signs so I'm pretty much the reason I'm mad, but whatever.

I start panicking so I get up and start pacing to channel some of the stress. I can't be home right now. Hudson has been randomly stopping by ever since I started spending time with Grayson, and if he stopped by today I think I'd explode.

"Take me to your place," I say, grabbing Grayson's hand and pulling him off the couch. I make sure no one sees get into his car, and since I shouldn't be seen in his car at all, I just lean over and suck him off until we're out of traffic.

When we get to Grayson's house, he's so impatient that we just fuck in his car as soon as it's parked in the garage. It's not the most comfortable experience, but now I know what it's like, I guess.

I need even more distraction than fucking someone, so I look around Grayson's kitchen and start making a super fancy meal for us. Grayson whines that I'm being boring, so I take my clothes off and cook in my underwear. That shuts him up for a few minutes, and I'm pretty sure he's jerking off, but I don't bother looking at him because I know that's exactly what he wants.

Grayson disappears at some point and my guess is that he's taking a nap or jerking off again. When I finish making dinner I go look for Grayson and find him asleep in his room. He must have been really bored. I decide to make up for being boring and I give him a nice wake up.

Somehow Grayson doesn't wake up as I'm unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, but the look on his face when he wakes up and I have him in my mouth is absolutely priceless.

"I've corrupted you," Grayson says a few minutes later when we're eating dinner. I laugh and roll my eyes. It's so true. Hudson probably wouldn't have been this fun even if he did have sex with me. I made a good decision deciding to do this with Grayson, I think.

Grayson is actually a pretty cool guy. If we had become friends under different circumstances I might consider dating him. It would be too weird to date him now. I wonder if he's ever considered asking me out. He never has liked Hudson, or even cared that I was in a relationship, so I wouldn't be surprised.

When we finish eating, Grayson offers to clean up, so I take the opportunity to go into his bathroom and clean myself up. I don't need to smell like kitchen, or look like it. I find the toothbrush I left here a few weeks ago and make sure my breath is okay. Nothing is more of a turn-off than bad breath.

When Grayson and I get down and dirty, the mood is different than it usually is. Grayson starts out slow like he usually does, but this time he doesn't speed up. I can feel each slow thrust inside me and I dig my nails into Grayson's back. Whatever is happening feels amazing, so I just go with it. I pull Grayson's head down and he kisses a trail down my neck, sucking and leaving hickeys wherever he pleases.

"Oh my god," I moan. My hands grip Grayson's biceps and I watch his muscles move above me. I swear he is the most perfect human being. He has it all: looks, humor, kindness, skills in bed; everything a girl could want. Fuck.

Whatever this is, it gives me the best orgasm I've ever had, and I black out for a second. I think Grayson said something, but I didn't catch whatever it was. Oh well. If it was important he wouldn't have said right as I came. I can't even form words for a minute as I come down from the high.

"I don't know what that was, but it was amazing," I say after a couple minutes. Grayson lets out a breathy 'yeah' next to me. I go to grab my phone, but it's not where I though it was so I have to dig around in the sheets to find it. It must have fallen out of my pocket. I have five missed calls from Hudson, all in the last thirty minutes.

"Hey, babe. I was just wondering if I could stop by. Call me back."

"Taylor, where are you? I'm at your house and you're not here. I thought you didn't have any plans tonight."

The next three messages are similar, but each is a bit more angry than the last one. He's finally crossed the line. I have to break up with him. I tell this to Grayson and he practically cheers.

"It's about fucking time," he says. I roll my eyes and put all my clothes back on. Grayson does the same and then grabs his keys. We start back into town, and since it will take us a while to get back, I call Hudson. He answers on the first ring.

"Where the fuck are you, Taylor?" he asks. Boy is he pissed. I just sigh.

"It doesn't matter where I am. I want to talk to you in person though. Can you meet me at the pier in like thirty minutes?"

"Fine, but you better explain what the fuck-" I hang up before he can finish whatever he was saying. I don't feel like listening to his shit right now. Grayson gives me a look and starts to comment on Hudson, but I tell him to shut up. I'm not in the mood to listen to him right now either.

When we get to the pier, it's getting dark and the beach is empty. Hudson's car is the only car in the parking lot besides Grayson's, and I can see Hudson standing at the end of the pier under a lamppost. He turns towards us when the headlights flash past him. He doesn't move though, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Thanks for everything, Grayson. If it wasn't for you I'd still be in this relationship and unhappy and deprived and I really owe you a lot. It's probably not the best idea for you to come out with me," I say.

"I'm not letting you go out there by yourself, Taylor. Hudson has anger issues and I don't want him to hurt you," Grayson insists. I don't bother fighting him because I know he won't give in, so we get out of the car and start walking towards Hudson, the end of a relationship, the end of the pier, and the end of all the lies.

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