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~ Grayson ~

Hudson is the stupidest guy I have ever met. If he thinks he can keep Taylor as his little lap dog even though he's gay, he is horribly wrong. He's not fulfilling her physical needs, and that's obviously an important part of any relationship. I also know for a fact that he just pisses her off sometimes without knowing it. If their relationship survives much longer I'll be surprised.

The fact that Taylor wants to do a friends with benefits thing is the first sign that Hudson is doing something wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she wants to do it because that means I can get laid whenever I want to, I just feel bad for Hudson because he's absolutely clueless.

It's been three weeks since Taylor asked to be friends with benefits, and we've fucked plenty of times. She turned out to be a lot more naughty than I expected her to be, and it's great. I've taught her how to talk dirty and it was just funny the first few days, and now it's a huge turn on. Hudson is seriously missing out. No guy could talk as dirty as Taylor does to me.

I don't know how we did it, but we did finish our English project on time, and we somehow got the highest score out of all the classes. Now that it's over though, Taylor has to start making up excuses for Hudson about why she's kind of all over the place lately. I don't think he suspects anything, but if he does, he has no clue it has to do with me, which is good. He doesn't need a reason to dislike me more than I'm pretty sure he already does.

Taylor told me that Hudson is going out of town with this weekend, so I go over to Taylor's house Friday night with pizza and new lingerie to surprise her. When she opens the door, her face is puffy and red and it's obvious she's been crying. I go inside and set the stuff down.

"What's wrong?" I immediately ask. Taylor shakes her head and turns away.

"Just go home, Grayson," she says weakly.

"Taylor, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." She sighs and I drag her to the couch and have her sit on my lap. She proceeds to tell me that she found out when she got home from school that her grandma had died and her parents wouldn't let her fly out to be with her grandpa and help with the funeral arrangements and stuff. That is fucked up.

"Well your parents are idiots," I say, wiping a tear off her cheek. I feel a little tug in my chest, but I ignore it. It can't be anything good. Taylor doesn't talk about her parents much, but I think they're never home and pretty much leave her on her own. I think they're home even less than my parents are, which is saying something.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask quietly after I let her cry for a few minutes. She shakes her head and grabs my hand.

"Can you stay tonight?" she whispers, looking up at me, looking like a sad puppy. How could I resist that? I look all punk and shit, but in reality I am such a softy.

After Taylor can't cry anymore, we sit in silence for a few minutes. She eventually gets up and grabs the box of pizza and comes back and sits down. We eat the pizza in silence, but luckily it's not awkward.

Taylor grabs the Victoria's Secret bag and walks off to her room. My mouth is practically watering already. I wait a few minutes to follow to give her time to change. When I walk into her room, she's laying on her bed in the lingerie I got and she's reading a book. God she's hot.

I sit down on the bed next to her and carefully take the book out of her hands. She frowns and turns to look at me. I don't know if I've ever seen sadder eyes.

"Make me forget," she whispers. I grin because that's something I can definitely do.

I do as Taylor asked, and I think I do a pretty good job of temporarily clearing her mind of everything but me fucking her senseless. When we finish we both just lie there, panting. After a few minutes Taylor curls up against me and I tense up. This is not what friends with benefits do. I look over at her and she's asleep. She looks so peaceful, considering how loud she was being just a few minutes ago.

I try to get up without disturbing her, but she wraps her arm through mine and pulls me against her. Great. I try getting up a few minutes later, but she holds me close. I sigh and give up on trying to leave. Maybe I'll be able to leave before she wakes up in the morning.

I wake up in the morning with Taylor's head nuzzling my neck and her arm thrown over my chest. She's still asleep, so I try to get up, but I can't do so without really disturbing her, so I just stay in bed.

Sitting in bed with just my thoughts to entertain me sends me down a not-so-great path. Taylor fills my mind. I can't stop thinking about her. I've started watching her during school (not in a creepy way) and I can't get the face she makes when she's concentrating out of my head. It's so cute; she scrunches up her nose and furrows her eyebrows and she bites her pencil eraser a lot.

Oh my god, did I just use the word cute? What is wrong with me?

I just start thinking about everything about Taylor. The way she walks, the way she talks (when she's not around her dumb friends), the way she always bites her lip and doesn't realize it, and I could go on and on.

I look over at Taylor's sleeping figure and smile. I could get used to her cute little nose nuzzling my neck and her soft hands on my chest. Her hair falls over parts of her face and I almost sigh.

A thought pops into my head that I am not happy about at all. I'm not a person that has feelings for people or wants to be around them, but I'm pretty sure I'm developing feelings for Taylor, and I am not happy about it.

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