Chapter 2 - Business as Usual

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Brycen, Tucker, and Flynn stood at the edge of Fairreach, which was the small town where they operated. Outside of the town was multiple roads and lots of barren land. A black Ford Econoline Van pulled up to the trio of bikers. A man with gelled up dark brown hair hopped out of the driver's seat, wearing his own leather vest that had a patch labelled "Prospect". Flynn smirked at the younger biker, who walked to the back of the van and opened the two large doors.

"Got what you guys needed." the prospect said.

"Great work Dominic." Brycen said, smiling as he slapped the club's lackey on the back. Dominic smiled back at his VP, walking over to Flynn while Tucker and Brycen dragged James Duncan out from the back of the van.

"Come on guys, I thought we had a deal." James said in a panic. His hands were bound together and there was a blindfold over his eyes. On Dominic's waist was a belt that sheathed a knife. He pulled out the K-Bar knife and handed it to Brycen, who then used it to cut the ropes that held James' hands together.

"Nothing is happening to you. Yet." Brycen said, giving the knife back to Dominic. The blindfold was quickly pulled off of his eyes, and James squinted after being exposed to the bright sun so quickly.

"What do you want from me?" James asked nervously, looking around at the four intimidating bikers.

"We want you to shut up and listen to the man." Flynn threatened, his usual nice-guy behavior quickly being overshadowed. James flinched at the harshness present in the man's voice and looked at Brycen.

"You're gonna meet with one of the Devil Tribe's guys. Doesn't matter who. You're gonna meet him at Scooter's Bar. Following me?" Brycen laid out the plan. James nodded his head. "Once the contact meets you, we'll handle everything else."

"He won't let you guys just take him... They know about you guys. He'll... he'll kill me if he knows I'm with you." James said, looking at Brycen, then at Tucker.

"Well if you don't go along with the plan, you'll find out real soon why my buddy here is called the Butcher." Brycen said, slapping Tucker's shoulder. Tuckler let out a low animalistic growl while staring down James, who put his hands up in defense.

"Okay! Okay! I'll... help you guys out just... please don't let me die." James said softly, walking over to a nearby payphone. Brycen watched as he walked to it, making sure he didn't try to run away.

"Dominic, leave your cut and knife in the van. I want you in the bar looking over him." Brycen ordered. Dominic nodded his head without hesitation, taking off his vest and knife sheath and putting them in the back of the van.

"You weren't really gonna have Tucker butcher him were you?" Flynn asked, walking over to stand by Brycen's side. Brycen looked at Flynn and only smirked, causing Flynn to let out a soft chuckle.

* * *

An hour had gone by, and James was making his way down the street towards Scooter's Bar. He stared straight ahead, being instructed to not act jumpy or paranoid by the bikers. He soon entered the bar, where he saw Dominic sitting at a table by the window. The two didn't acknowledge each other, as James went to a booth and took a seat. Despite it being the middle of the afternoon, it was quite lively inside. James looked around, his foot rapidly tapping against the floor while he was unable to stop his middle finger from doing the same thing on the table.

* * *

Journal Entry

Dominic Porter is as loyal as they come. The guy has been a prospect for about a few months now and has never questioned a single order given to him. He's nothing like our other prospect who seems to always have some lip to give. Most of the guys liked Dominic too. I got no clue as to why he wants to be patched in so badly, but he'll earn it in no time. Hell he could-

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