10: My Family

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Art: Roku's Temple by Stephanie Cost

To Zuko's great relief, I had grabbed Iroh's clothes before we left the spring so he was able to get dressed again.

After stealing one of their ostrich horses so Iroh could have his own saddle, we moved quickly to put some distance between ourselves and the Earth Kingdom soldiers in case they got the courage to follow.

The sun was sinking when we'd left the soldiers and I assumed we'd travel all night to return to the ship. However, when we had reached a fork in the road, to my great surprise, Zuko suggested that we make camp and rest for a few hours. I tried not to make my delight too obvious but I think he picked up on it.

I was also still buzzing from our fight. I expected that I might have begun to annoy them once we'd settled down but I couldn't stop talking about it no matter how hard I tried. It had been similar after I had faced Zhao but Aang and my siblings were eager to hear all about it, especially Sokka. It was likely different for Zuko and Iroh.

"I'm sorry," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "You've both probably done something like that dozens of times." I folded my arms over my knees and stared into the fire. "That's the first time I've ever seen real earthbenders though, let alone fought them. The way they move it's so...rigid."

"Earthbenders generate power using strong steps and low stances," said Iroh. "It takes quite a bit to move an unmovable force like stone."

"Don't get me wrong, they were strong but," a smile tugged onto my lips as I continued to study the flickering dance in front of me, "fire and water are still better." I looked up at the pair of firebenders to show off a cheeky smirk. "Water is, of course, the superior element of all."

Zuko made a loud throaty noise of objection. "Sure, that's why I beat you earlier while we were sparing."

Iroh raised a brow, glancing between the pair. "You two were sparing?"

I perked up, my smile spreading. "Yeah! It was so helpful. You know, I don't think the actual movements of fire and waterbending are too different. Firebending is a little...sharper?" I wasn't sure if that was the correct word for it or not. "I was actually thinking, with a few alterations, I may be able to use some firebending moves for water."

"It isn't unheard of," Iroh said with a solemn nod. "I've learned quite a bit from waterbenders myself. I have found that your people are some of the most responsive to change. Also some of the most understanding people I've met."

A grin spread across my face upon this compliment.

"Alright," Zuko spoke up then, "let's get a little sleep. We've had a long day."


We had all lain down to sleep. I couldn't get my mind to shut off though. All I could think about was the fight. I was debating giving up and just taking a walk when the sound of shuffling disrupted my thoughts.

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