5: Airbenders

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Art: Air Temple by Stephanie Cost

I woke up to the sound of Sokka screaming. "Ah, get it off, get it off, ah!"

"What's happening?" I demanded. My hand instantly flew for a weapon and I found the fletching of one of my arrows sticking out of my bag nearby.

Before I could pull it out and start stabbing at the intruder, I heard Aang's bright chirping. "Great! You're both awake! Let's go!"

Sokka was not prepared to get up and, for once, I wasn't that excited about it either. In only a week I had gotten used to sleeping in while I'd been on the ship. Since I wasn't allowed to leave and there was only so much to do in one room, sleeping had been the best time passer.

I sat up, feeling my back complain as I got off the rocky floor. Apparently, I had also gotten used to sleeping in a comfortable bed. Ever since I'd rejoined my siblings, I was always sore.

"Tell me again, where we're going?" I asked as I trudged out of my bag.

"We're going to the Southern Air Temple. It's great there! I can't wait to get home," Aang said, nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Oh, right, can't wait to see that temple," I said sarcastically. I suppose sightseeing did sound better than traveling on Appa all night again. I couldn't fall asleep like the others up there, I had yet to get used to the heights - another thing which made me inexplicably miss the Fire Nation ship.

"Oh cheer up, Kida, it'll be fun," Katara said.

I huffed in annoyance but got on Appa nonetheless. After Sokka was done with his turn of complaining we set off to the temple.

We'd been flying for a few hours when we began to wonder if Aang was lost. There was nothing for miles except for a few tall mountains which broke through cloud bank in the distance.

It wasn't until the angle of the bison began to change that I remembered that we were going to an airbending temple. We were soon going almost straight up the side of a mountain. I grabbed ahold of the side of the saddle so I wouldn't get blown off and everyone else grabbed something as well. My whole body was trembling. The only thought that occupied my brain was how much I would rather be in the warm bed on the ship than doing this.

The fast winds which had whizzed past us soon calmed and I was finally able to open my eyes. My mouth fell open and I instantly forgot about the Fire Nation vessel. Straight ahead of us stood one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen.

"There it is," Aang declared, breaking my train of thought, "the Southern Air Temple."

I stared in awe of the buildings which were nestled into the tall, pointy mountains. "I can't believe you used to live here, Aang."

"Aang, it's amazing!" exclaimed Katara.

"We're home, buddy! We're home," Aang spoke to Appa.

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