6: Bravery and Honor

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Art: Kyoshi Islands by Stephanie Cost

"We're here," Sokka insisted as he jabbed a finger at the map.

"No, we have to be somewhere over here by now," I argued, reaching over his shoulder to point at a clump of islands. "The sun has already peaked, it's in the west now. We're going east."

"It hasn't peaked yet!" He squinted up at the sky, observing the position of the sun.

Our banter continued until Katara finally tore her eyes away from her sewing to scold us. "Guys!"

"What?" we both snapped in unison, our glares trading each other for her.

"It doesn't matter where you two think we are," she urged, "Aang knows where he's going, right?" She turned to the Avatar, a confident smile on her face.

Aang jumped slightly, not expecting to be dragged into the conversation. "Uh..." He gave us a fleeting glance before turning forward again. "Yeah, of course!"

Sokka and I shared a look. "You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka accused.

"Well...I know it's near water," Aang stated with a positive leap in his voice.

Sokka and I examined our surroundings. There was nothing for miles but the color blue. The deep, dark depths of the ocean below mixed nearly seamlessly with the azure sky above. Only a few wispy, white clouds broke up the color.

It was beautiful but it made Aang's response useless. "Well then we must be getting close then," I remarked. Katara glared at me. Sokka, forgetting our previous argument, tried not to laugh.

We fell into silence. Sokka and I gave up on trying to figure out where were and allowed the airbender to guide his beast where ever he pleased. I settled against our pack of stuff at the back of the saddle, letting my gaze fall to the water. I was beginning to get more comfortable with flying although I preferred when we remained near water. At least if something happened I could catch us and make an ice raft.

"Hey, Katara," chirped Aang, "check out this airbending trick!" I lazed my gaze towards him but I was the only one, Katara still sewing and Sokka resting his eyes. Aang didn't seem to notice because he began to use his airbending to spin two marbles in his hand.

It was really surprising how unobservant my little sister was. Even I had spotted Aang's crush a mile away and I was notoriously opposed to any such notions back home.

"That's great Aang," she commented though her eyes were still on her needle and thread.

"You didn't even look," Aang noted, disappointment in his tone.

She paused her sewing and looked at him. "That's great!"

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