7: Fathers

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Art: Seascape by Stephanie Cost

My head was throbbing, the subtle sway of the ocean wasn't helping much either. With a groan I forced myself to open my eyes. Everything was in an unfocused, fuzzy haze. All I could see were blurs of gray.

It took several moments and long pauses of closing my eyes again before I could finally make out where I was. However, I almost wished I could go back to not knowing. I was, once again, in a prison hold.

I dropped my head back onto the familiar, lumpy mattress. If only my dad could see me. I'd not only been captured once but twice. He'd probably say he was right about not letting me go into battle.

After enough self-deprecation, I began to slowly get to my feet. I was wobbly at first but I soon found my balance. I stumbled over to the door and banged on it. "What am I doing here?" I yelled out.

No one answered me but  I heard a muffled voice speak. "Tell the prince she's awake."

I let out another groan, dropping my head against the bars. I would have to deal with the Prince of Arrogance again. This just wasn't my day.

I was proven right soon enough. The door opened to reveal Zuko. I was sitting on the bed again, my knees up against my chest while my head was rested in my folded arms. The position somehow eased off some of my headache but yelling as soon as I had woken up hadn't been a good idea.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned, my voice slightly muffled as I refused to lift my head.

"A week." Before I could even have a chance at being shocked, he threw something at me. It wasn't harmful, it was the very opposite actually. It was a fine feeling, like silk. "Put it on, the guards will escort you back to your room when you're done," he informed before leaving.

I looked down at the clothing he gave me. My mouth fell open. He had to be joking. It was a deep red dress along with a black and gold-trimmed robe. My armor and headdress was already off so I decided to pull on the robe. I wouldn't have anything to do with the fire red dress.

Once I was done I banged on the bars and the door opened. A man whose face was guarded by one of the helmets and masks came to unlock the cell door. He escorted me up to the deck and into the same bedroom I had stayed in before. When I entered I found Zuko standing in the room, facing away from us.

He turned to look at me as the door closed. "I didn't think you'd put on the dress."

"Where'd you even get a dress?" I questioned with a raised brow. I was partly messing with him but also partly curious. It was an odd thing to have on an all-male warship.

He ignored me. "Nice escape earlier."

I shrugged. "It wasn't much. Anyways, Zhao was annoying me." To my surprise, he chuckled. I was slightly struck. I didn't know he could do that. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from smiling. "So why am I aloud in a bedroom again?"

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