Chapter 13: Don't give up

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After that incident, mom and dad immediately decided for me to underwent a life-saving brain operation in America. Me and my family quickly flight in this country even though it's not 100% sure if I will wake up after this surgery since it is too risky for me but my parents don't hesitate anymore to try this just to save my life.

Luckily, the operation was successful and the brain tumor is already removed so I'm proud to tell you guys that I'm 100% healthy right now. My parents is already giving up that time but miracle works so here I am still alive and kicking.

It will never happened if it is not because of Jennie who strengthens me to fight this disease. She's my inspiration in the times I'm already giving up. She's really the reason why I choose to continue my life but what I will going to do right now if my life doesn't want to be my life anymore?

"I can't do anything about it."

"Jennie already tell she doesn't want me" I said while sobbing so hard as I take one bite on my chocolate bar again but I suddenly choked because unfortunately, it halts on my throat.

"Water plss!" I said while sweating so hard. Dad immediately give me the water and I quickly take and drink it.

When I finally get recovered, I cry so hard like a crying baby again. Who wouldn't cry? I almost die because of that fucking chocolate. I swear to myself, I won't eat chocolate bars again.

"Haysst my daughter really grew up right now" he said while tapping my back. "I remember when you're still young, you're just crying if you didn't get the toy you want but right now is really different" he paused for a bit. "You're crying now because of a girl"

I quickly stop from crying and give him a glare because of that. I know it's real but he doesn't need to mention it to me anymore. That's pretty embarrassing for me whenever I heard it. It's not that I'm shy because I fell inlove to a girl but it was just I'm not used with it.

"Dad plss stop that!" I said in annoyance.

"Why would I? I'm just telling the truth here" he said innocently.

I rolled my eyes to him as a response. Since our talk is just a pure non sense thingy, I just focus myself in eating my ice cream and didn't mind him.

"But just an advice Lisa if I we're you, I won't stop pursuing the girl I love. I won't give up until I didn't get her yes" he said seriously.

"If you don't want to see her with someone else. Make a move right now" he added then after saying that he already leaves me.

I was left thinking deeply about what he said. I started asking myself about the possibilities if Jennie would end up be with someone else.

See Jennie with someone else? Hmmmm it's kinda ok with me! As long as she was happy with that person I won't interfere in her life anymore.

Seeing her with a smile on her lips even though I'm not the reason will always be fine with me. After all, I always consider her happiness.

Fuck! Forget what I've said I'm just lying!!! I don't want to see her with someone else. I'm the only one who's allow to hold her hand, hug her tightly and kiss her nons stop until her lips get sore in the future. I know I didn't have any right to claim her as mine but it's final she's only for me. It always going to be me and no one will ever do that to her, only me.

I'm the only one who's allow to love her!!!

I really want to kill myself from not attending our school for three days. What if there is someone who is also courting my Jennie? The three consecutive days of me being absent will be a great advantage to that person to pursue my Jennie. I'm just wasting my time here from eating but why I didn't realize this idea that early. Arrgh! Lisa you're so dumb!

I immediately go down stairs and started to look for Mr. Choi, my personal driver. I shouldn't waste time. Three days is already enough to waste such a long time for nothing. Dad was right. I should make a move now to pursue her.

"Where's Mr.Choi?" I asked one from  our drivers.

"I'm sorry young master but Mr. Choi is not here. If you needed a personal driver right now I'm free. Where do you want to go?" He answered.

Well, that's a good idea. Thanks God you sensed it, I mentally replied.

"Take me to St. Mary's Academy. I have something important stuff to do there so plss drive quickly" I quickly ordered him as I hop in my car. The driver started the engine then after this we headed our way in my destination.

Just wait for me Jennie!!!


A/N: A very short update! I got busy from watching K-dramas so I ended up forget about updating it.

I know this chapter is not that good and too short but I will try updating a new chapter tomorrow if I have a time hehe!

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! 😉 If you have some ideas or suggestions in this story don't hesitate to comment it here. I badly needed your help because honestly, I don't have any ideas anymore for the next chapters. If it's good maybe I can consider your suggestion and make it happen.

Thank you guys! 😘


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