Faye saw her and was forced to wave back, shooting Dr. DeGraff a quick look before moving in their direction. She knew she didn't have a choice in the matter. Lia would wonder what was up if she didn't join them.

"Hey, I only have a few minutes, so I have to eat quick," she said as she sat next to Lia, she could at least limit the time she spent in his presence. She darted a quick look at him and the look he shot her was piercing. Faye didn't realize that the hurt she felt was evident in her return stare, she thought she was playing it cool.

When he rose quickly from his seat it caught her off guard. Perhaps the thought of staying was too uncomfortable. Although, she didn't think there was much that he would ever feel uncomfortable about.

"I too only had a few minutes. Miss Haven, Miss Brantley," he said, before turning to leave.

"A quarter till eight at Moon River you won't forget?" Lia asked as he stepped away.

Faye felt her hand clench around her water bottle as she looked out the window and away from them. Now she really was hurt, he had seen Chloe, who had known he had returned when she hadn't, and now he and Lia had a date.

"I'll be there," he assured her then walked away, his long stride making quick work of the cafeteria.

Faye got up and moved across from Lia, looking at her between bites of food that she forced herself to eat.

"You look worried," she noted. "Anything I can help with?" Faye hoped the question wasn't coming too late to be included on what was going on.

"No, Dr. DeGraff is going to help me," Lia said absentmindedly.

She and Faye finished their meal in silence, with Lia's mind on something else, and when she was done, she got up and left Faye with a few distracted words of farewell.

Faye sat at the table and tried her best not to cry. She had lost the hope of romance, if there ever had been such a thing, and now she felt as if she was losing her friends too.

She rubbed her aching head, wishing she could rewind time and tell Chloe no when she had asked if Silas could stay, but what would have been the use, she still would have met him, and she still would have fallen in love with him, because that must be what the ache in her chest was all about.

She loved him and he would rather spend more time with her friends than with her, at least that was how it felt because every time he saw her he walked away or he let her walk away. Even after the kiss, he had let her walk away without a word.

Faye couldn't bring herself to move from where she sat at the table, staring vacantly out at the storm and as she watched lightning streak the sky, she picked up her trash crumpling it in her hand, it was her only allowance to the frustration that was overwhelming her.

He had kissed her, she didn't think he was a man to kiss a woman lightly. In fact, most everything he did regarding women was to warn them off, his aloofness to the point of rudeness, his lack of friendly conversation and polite smiles, it was all meant to keep people away, so why on earth would he kiss her? Unless he was interested in her, but if he was, then why didn't he tell her he was interested or that had returned to town for that matter?

It was all so confusing and hurtful, she swallowed hard as she fought back tears once more.

She didn't know how long she sat alone, but the dining area of the cafeteria had emptied significantly and there were only a handful of people left. She should get back, her lunchtime was almost up if it wasn't already.

"I thought you only had a few minutes," Silas's voice said softly behind her.

"I lied," she said, and her voice came out roughly from all the unshed tears.

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