"You smell good," I blurt out, disturbing the peace between us. I cringe into his shoulders and keep swaying to the music, hoping he didn't hear me. Or just ignore what I said.

"Thanks, you do too," he chuckles in my ear and I feel my face gow hotter. I clutch tighter to his shirt and kiss the collar of his shirt quickly.

"You look beautiful. I meant to tell you when you got here but everyone dragged me into pictures," he says and I feel smothered by his affection in all the most amazing ways. My insides feel all warm and gooey and I there's nothing I can do to stop it, not that I would want this feeling to end.

"Thanks," I mumble into his neck. The song is coming to a close and I want nothing more than to stay swaying close to him, but the song ends and the DJ picks up his microphone and hands it to Mrs. Howard, our class advisor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen if I could have your attention we are going to be naming Homecoming King and Queen!" she shouts into the microphone. People hush and whispers begin going around, people looking from one person to another, guessing the outcome as if they didn't already know.

"Your King and Queen are Alexis Kane and Devon Todd!" she reads and all our friends clap and cheer for the couple as they walk to the front of the gym to be crowned with plastic.


"Sofia we have school tomorrow you can't have that!" I scold. When we were at Sofia's we all agreed it would be best if we stuck it to one drink each because, annoyingly, it's only Thursday. Mindy is the designated driver and hasn't had anything, and Georgia, Lauren and I have all stuck to our guns, but Sofia, that girl is being an idiot tonight.

"I have a high tolerance!" she slurs and I roll my eyes. High tolerance my ass. She can barely walk in a straight line.

"You can do this tomorrow, your mom's going to be pissed if you're hungover tomorrow," I warn and that sobers her up, sorta.

"Fine," she grumbles and reaches for the sparkling water instead of her originial target.

I nod, satisfied with my work and look back for Marcus. This party is going way better than the first one and I feel way more relaxed this time.

I look to my left and see him talking with Aaron and a few guys from another school I recognized, but didn't know. He sees me staring and gestures me over. The others see his action and look over at me and embarrassed to have so many eyes on me I walk over to his outstretched arm.

"You must be Amanda," the one with curly, dirty blonde hair says. He smiles wide, showing his still braced teeth.

"Yeah," I nod, hoping I'm not coming off as awkward. I usually am talking to new people.

He doesn't tell me his name and the other two don't introduce themselves either. It's like they expect me to know who they are.

After a few minutes of not speaking I don't really see my place in this conversation, so I leave Marcus's side to join Nolan and Georgia who are on the far side of the room watching television on the couch.

Georgia laughs at something he says and I sit down next to them. They both turn their heads and smile when they see me.

"Hi Manda, you get tired of your boytoy?" Nolan jokes with a grin. I chuckle and shake my head.

"No I just felt awkward around those three," I nod over to the still unnamed boys they're still talking to.

"Who are they?" Georgia asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't know. They knew me, but they never introduced themselves," I answer.

"Colby, Mike and Ricky," Nolan says, pointing to the boys left to right.

"How do you know them?" I ask, leaning further towards the two of them.

"Brynn knew them from something and we met them at her house," he replies. My face must have changed because he quickly follows up by reassuring me I have nothing to worry about with them.

"What do you think of that?" Georgia asks, pointing discreetly at Mindy and CJ talking in the corner by themselves.

"Um..." I trail off studying the two. They both look happy, smiling and laughing with one another. Usually if CJ is flirting he's all over the girl, but it doesn't look this way at all. And Mindy, well, she looks as if she's glowing from happiness.

"I like it," I answer confidently and the two of them look at me weird.

"Really? I would have thought you out of all people would be judging this relationship," Georgia says with raised eyebrows.

"I did for a bit, but I mean, they're so cute. And I don't think CJ is playing with her," I tell them thoughtfully. I look back over at the two now cuddled together on a bean bag chair, Mindy showing CJ something on her phone.

"But even if he was, Mindy would never let him get too far."

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