Chapter XIV

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The music is so loud. Too loud it's to the point where I can barely hear myself think. The patio beneath my feet is vibrating from the speakers surrounding the pool area and there is people everywhere.

"Lexi!" I call from the other side of the fence. She turns her head towards me and rolls her eyes at Peyton. She walks over to me from the volleyball game.


"This was supposed to be a bonding party for the cheerleading team?" I ask. "Because you invited poeple who clearly aren't on it."

"It is! I invited the people we cheer for. There's no reason we can't bond wtih them, too. We spend a lot of time with them."

"Is there any other group of people I should know are coming?" I ask.

"No. And even if there were, this is my house, I can invite who I want," she snaps and whips back around.

I look around for someone to talk to. Georgia isn't going to be here for another hour from work, and Sofia isn't coming at all because of her Grandpa's birthday. I have no one here.

"Manda!" I hear that familiar male voice and I turn and look into Marcus's eyes. The bright sunlight makes his already light eyes look even more icy than usual.

"Oh, hi!" I reply. He stands awkwardly in front of me, his hands rubbing the side of his swim trunks.

"You never told me you guys were inviting the team," he says.

"I didn't know either, Lexi never told me," I reply. "I mean, I guess she didn't have to, but it would have been nice to know."

I look over at Lexi, who is staring straight at me. I quickly look back to Marcus who is now right up next to me, his hands tentatively run over my back and through my hair. I can't deny how good it feels, but my cheeks turn warm and I back away a little knowing there are enough people here to make a scene. Affection alone is one thing, but affection in public is uncomfortable.

He coughs and drops his hands getting my hint. "Sorry," he says quietly. I don't look at his face, but I know he's embarrassed as well and I suddenly feel horrible for rejecting him in front of everyone.

I grab his left hand with both of mine and look up at his face, smiling to reassure him. "Just not in front of everyone" I whisper.

"Is hand holding okay?" He squeezes my hand in his palms and I melt into a puddle. I don't know how I can deny him anything when he goes all soft.

"Yeah." I rub his knuckles, the top of his hands strangely soft in comparison to his rough palms.

I'm so lost in the moment I'm only snapped out of my daydream when I hear a wolf whistle come from my right. I immediately blush and lower our hands. Maybe I should outlaw hand holding too. Everything we do becomes too intimate.

"Come back Marcus we need an even number over here!" Nick shouts over to us.

"Yeah you can cuddle with your girlfriend later!" C.J adds laughing his ass off.

I look at Marcus and I see he hasn't looked away from me. "Go ahead," I tell him.

"You sure? I don't need to go to them, they can cut someone out" he says.

"Yeah go ahead. I think Georgia's supposed to be here soon." He runs his thumb over my cheek before jogging over to his friends.

"Amanda!" I look over my shoulder and Peyton is running over to me.

She's two feet away from my face and I brace myself for her hug, which she gives to me the instant she's close enough to touch me. She's always been touchy-feely with everyone.

"I thought you would't come! I mean, Sofia's not here" she says.

I shrug with displeasure. If it were any other instance I wouldn't have shown up, but I'm in no mood to hear Lexi shit all over me about not coming.

"Well I am a captain, I kind of have to be here," I answer. I look over her head, relieved to see Georgia getting out of her car from the at the side of the street.

"I'm glad you're here though, I've been meaning to talk to you about all the shit Lexi's been saying about you and Marcus's relationship," she says, catching my attention.

"What has she been saying?" I ask, and she smiles in delight, leaning in to gossip.

"Brooke told me she's been telling Alicia, Vanessa and Nikki that it's pathetic watching the two of you together. She was like, "Amanda has no idea what she's doing, like she's never had a boyfriend before, she doesn't know how to be in a relationship". "

I'm more humiliated than angry at Lexi. I can't contradict her because she's right- I've never been in a relationship before, but that doesn't mean I'm clueless. It's no secret that Lexi has had her fair share of "boyfriends", but that doesn't make her an expert on relationships. It just makes her an expert in seduction. Or suction.

"I just thought you would want to know. If you want to go up to her or not, I wanted to make sure you weren't blindsided later."

"Thanks" I say and walk away. I need to get away from where I can see Lexi. There's too much temptation to confront her, and I really don't need to get worked up right now. Not only is the gossip embarrassing, but I know if I start a fight with her right now, the embarrassment of the argument will set in later.

Instead I walk up to Georgia and begin venting to her. "Do you know what Peyton just told me?" I ask.

"About you and Marcus? I already know" she says and I full on gape at her and smack her shoulder.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" I demand.

"I just assumed it wasn't a big deal. It's just gossip, Amanda, you've never cared what Lexi's said about you before. I didn't think you would care to know" she explains.

"I didn't care because before everything's she said about me wasn't true. But it is this time, and it's embarrassing. I don't want everyone to think I'm clueless."

"Does it matter? You know what, we're saving this conversation for later with Sofia. I came here for a fun time, not for, whatever this is going on with you. Later, okay?"

I nod, feeling even more embarrassed. Seems this is a recurring emotion today. "Yeah. I think everyone's at the pool."

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