Nicholas slammed the book shut. "I hate you."

"That's not very nice."

"You realize you could have texted me or called me, right?" he questioned, raising a brow.

Elijah grinned mischievously. "But then I wouldn't see you blush at the mere mention of your bride-to-be, also known as the bookworm of your heart," he winked.

Heat rose to Nicholas's cheeks. "S-Shut up," he mumbled.

Elijah's deep laughter rumbled off the shelves. Soon, Nicholas felt the tension escape him like a visiting breeze as a smile took form of his lips, curling into a throaty chuckle of his own. Only Elijah could speak of love in such a light-hearted tone, one that made the trials of romance a lot simple by their ability to laugh.

In the corner of Nicholas's eyes, he caught sight of a familiar gray hoodie, matched with the elegant wrapping of an evergreen hijab, one that surpassed nature through the shimmering beauty that lingered on the woman wearing it. The forest hue complimented the golden rays of her skin, a sun to his earth, the moon to his night.

Dina was absolutely stunning.

Noticing his friend's sudden silence, Elijah knew all too well the chords of cupid's harp. "I suddenly remembered that I promised Kiona that I'd help her find a cooking book. I'll be back. Just wait at the gates for me," he said, waving at Nicholas as he jogged away to an abandoned aisle.

That sly fox.

Slowly, his thoughts dissipated into a pile of mush, butterflies fluttering inside while his body responded to the smile that graced Dina's lips, a smile he wished was directed at him. Elijah was a fleeting thought compared to the rapid thump of his heart.

One by one, his steps walked closer and closer to her until he was only a foot away, her back turned to him. Dina searched the shelves for another book, eyes hungry for a new adventure, a new mystery, a new obsession. She stood on her toes, stretching to pull out a book just like when he first met her.

Nicholas outstretched his arm. "Let me," he whispered.

Dina paused, head quickly turning and eyes meeting his, a warm umber of brown to the ice that captivated his. Like fire to his eyes, he was immediately engrossed in the beauty that radiated off her, the sparkling pupils of her eyes, the slender shape of her nose, the blush of her cheeks, the curve of her lips-

Nick, stop. Lower your gaze.

He looked away, handing her the book. "Here," he said, coughing to himself. "Sorry, I must have startled you."

"It's no big deal," she smiled, causing his heart to go into overdrive. "But I'm pretty sure seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck."

As if his face couldn't get any redder. "Y-Yeah. I should go," he stumbled, turning on his heel. Blood rushed to his ears, a loud drumming echoing off his eardrums.

"Wait, Nemo!" she called out.

He stopped. "Yeah?"

"Did you know the man who forced that family to ask for my hand?" she asked, voice barely above a whisper.

Nicholas nodded.

"And were you the one who... fixed everything?"

"It was me," he said, turning to see the expression on her visage.

He expected disappointment, yet was met with the dazzling smile she wore so frequently like a permanent mark of her personality, the ever so joyful, cute, and sometimes annoying Dina Younes. She peered at him through thick lashes, an aura of innocence surrounding her like a blessed halo.

The library disappeared, and all he could see was her. All he could see was his future with the woman of his dreams. All he could understand was the comfort behind her eyes. All he could fathom was Dina.

"Thank you," she whispered breathlessly, gazing at the diamond ring on her finger. "I'm glad I chose you, Nemo."

Nicholas had her ring crafted specifically to fit her tastes, simple yet elegant, modern yet timeless, subtle yet beautiful. A double rose-gold band circled her finger along with a heart-shaped diamond and smaller gems outlining the heart and bands. It suited her.

He smiled, no doubts, no fears. Only love touched his heart, and only love resonated within her ring, a testament of his devotion to her. He was glad to be her Nemo.


I feel like all the stress from school finally hit my body today, so I'm like hella drowsy now. I wanted to take a nap, but I was like NO, YOU HAVE TO WRITE. So, lo behold, here I am.

How cute is Nick though? I feel like the more confidence he gets, the more his attractive levels rise. Just me?

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