Chapter 12

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Mileys POV

I woke up with a big headache and Terry sleeping next to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I got out of the bed and I slipped Terrys oversized shirt over my head. I went downstairs and started to make breakfast for both of us. I heard sounds and I looked behind me to see Terry. Wait, that's not Terry. ''O my god Justin, where have you been?''

Terrys POV

Justin? Who the fuck is Justin? She looked at me surprised and happy so I started to play along. ''That doesn't matter. I'm here now Miley.'' ''I missed you so much baby.'' She said hugging me. Baby? Well maybe this Justin was a friend of Miley she didn't see in a while. Then she leaned in and gave me a long kiss on my lips. Is this a prank or wtf? Holy fuck Miley. She pulled back and I ran upstairs and went on the computer leaving her confused. I searched on Google 'miley and justin'. Miley is famous and the media would know everything about her. I saw tons of pictures of Miley and a boy who's named to be Justin. Well, he's not ugly. I read articles about them and started to understand who Justin actually was. But why did Miley just say she loved him? They didn't have a relationship. Or maybe she was love with him but he didn't know? Ugh, I need to talk to Justin. I went downstairs and I saw Miley still standing in her confused position. I kissed her the cheek because I felt sorry for her about all the drama she's going through. I walked away but Miley pulled me back. ''Don't leave me Justin.'' I walked closer to her. I need to know something. ''Miley? Do you love Terry?'' She looked down. ''I don't know.'' Really Miley? Well that's what happens if you date with a celebrity.

''He's hot and sweet you know, But I was so upset that I needed somebody to fill up my heart. I wanted to believe that I loved him, only it didn't work. I care about him and I know he doesn't love me. But I wonder if he cares about me and if he only uses me for fame.'' I was at first mad at Miley that she used me, but her words after that part made me feel bad. She's just going to so much problems. ''So you don't trust him?'' ''I want to, but everytime I see him I think of Liam and I'm scared that he will be like him.'' She looked at me in my eyes and then she hugged me tightly. ''I don't want to lose you again Justin.'' I kissed her forehead. I need to find Justin. ''Miley, would you come with me to travel?'' She looked at me with a questioning expression on her face. ''Why?'' ''I need to find a friend.'' ''Well, I don't know.'' ''Ok Miley, just take a nap. You're tired.'' She nodded and went upstairs. I started to think where Justin could be. Then I saw Miley's iPhone on the kitchen counter. I picked it up and I scrolled through her contacts. There was a contact named 'Justin <3'. I guess that's the Justin I'm looking for. After 4 times calling him he finally picked up. I heard a girl shouting on the background. ''Hey Justin I'm Te-'' Suddenly a men voice spoke. ''Miley I'm in danger so please don't come.'' And with that he hung up. Holy shit he is in trouble. I need to find him for Miley. 

Mileys POV

 I woke up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Yes, technology is not the only thing celebrities use. Oh shit, it's fucking late. I went downstairs and saw Terry sitting on the chair by the kitchen counter. He looked pretty stressed. ''Hey babe, I'm sorry tha-'' I said and then I saw him with my iPhone in his hands. '''What are you doing with my phone Terry?'' It's not like I think he doesn't trust me but I was curious to know what he would do with my phone. Terry looked at me not knowing what to answer. Then his face turned serious. ''Miley, who's Justin?'' ''How do you know?'' ''Answer my question Miley, then maybe I will answer yours.'' ''Well Justin was a good friend of mine, but we had a fight and then he disappeared.'' ''And do you love him?'' ''No.'' I actually do love him but I don't want Terry to be upset. ''Miley, I know you love him and please tell me the truth.'' I decided to tell him. ''Justin and I met a while ago. He's a backup dancer of my label. We accidently kissed and that was when it all started. He was very sweet that I slowly fell more in love with him. At the Vma's I knew I was officially in love with him so I kissed him at my speech. He kissed back so I thought he did love me and I was fucking happy but I was wrong. After that we didn't have any contact. Oh and he was almost dead because of me but that part isn't important.'' I said remembering how I almost killed and saved him. I looked at Terry, he was looking at his hands. ''So Miley, do you wanna find him?'' ''How do you mean 'find' him?'' ''Uh, well I think something's wrong with him.'' ''No he's probably fine with his girlfriend.'' I actually have no idea why he didn't broke up with her since she cheated on him with Liam. And me and Justin look better as a couple than they do. Wait no, I don't want to be with Justin. He's bullshit.

''No Miley I really think he's in trouble. I just called him and after a while he picked up. I heard some girl shouting on the background but I couldn't hear what she said. And then, I think Justin spoke. He said 'Miley I'm in danger so please don't come.' and then he hung up.'' Holy shit. What if something bad did happen with Justin? What if he never comes back? I can't live without him. He's a part of my life like wtf he can't be gone. Ok Miley, just think. Wait, Justin is gone, my family is gone, Larry is gone and all my friends are gone. What happened? I did think about a lot and then I was becoming dizzy. I had a big headache and everythiing went black. What is happening with me?


What do you think will happen next & with jiley? Comment your thoughts and ideas & please vote! 

OK OK I'm so sorry that I was soooo late but I wrote a chapter and it was done but then it was all gone. So then I freaked out. I don't know when the next chapter is coming out. But THANKS for soo many reads, votes, and comments! Love u all xxx TYSM

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