Chapter 9

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Miley's POV

When Justin and I kissed at the studio, I had those flashbacks from back then. I saw a boy and a girl arguing. It was pretty bad because the boy screamed to the girl. The vision and the sounds were not clear.

And at the VMA's, when I kissed him on the cheek, I had flashbacks from the last part of the accident, they weren't too clear, but I found out that me and Justin those two persons were. Justin told me that before, but I didn't believe him. I did like I believed to let him make feel better.  And when I kissed him on the lips, every detail from the accident and before that came up in my head. I realized that he didn't leave me. He didn't leave me while I tried to make out with him because of my anger to Liam and when I almost killed him. He didn't leave me because he didn't want to lose me. I kissed him with all the love I got. Because I love him. I didn't care that it was on the tv. When he kissed me back, it felt real but i could feel that he was scared. Why would he be scared? I pulled back and smiled. I looked in his eyes. It's unbelievable how many emotions you can see in somebody's eyes. When we came backstage I was very happy because I finally found a way to express my feelings to Justin. I'm sure he felt that. My day couldn't be more better when I saw Britney Spears. She asked if I and Justin were a couple now. I thought that we actually were something. Sorta. And then Justin said no. Fuck my life. He doesn't like me. That's why he was scared. My mood was from top to low. I wanted to scream my shit out to him. "Well I gotta go to, uhh, the other dancers. Yeah they wanna give tips to me." What for a lie was that? Justin is the last person who needs tips. Well if he means tips for how you don't break someone's heart then yeah, he needs alot of tips. "Ok bye!" Britney said. Me and her talked a bit. We decided to do my song SMS Bangerz as a duo. Finally, a song with my idol Britney Spears. We talked about my VMA performance until Britney said: "I need to go, I'm busy you know. New album and all that. Sorry Miley." "Ow ok good luck with yours. Wait, why are you sorry for me?" "That Justin thing. I'm sure you guys will be a perfect couple." Yeah I thought so too. But look at us now. It's gone. "Thanks." I said shortly. And she leaved. I went to my crew and Justin was there too. It was awkward because everyone looked at me with a sorry face. I think Justin told everyone. And then everyone suddenly leaved. But guess who not? Justin. "You did this on purpose right?"I said to him. "What?" "That everyone is leaving to leave us alone." "Yes I did, because I want to talk to you." "Well I don't want to." "I don't care." I was getting mad now. "Yeah you don't care about nothing. You don't care about somebody's feelings do you?" I was shouting. "I do but-" "No you don't, if you did you wouldn't be so stupid to play with it." I was crying now. "Miley please don't cry-" I broke him off again. "How do you mean not cry? You just ruined my fucking life!" Justin looked at me with big eyes and I realized what I said. I promised that that never will happen but I broke my promise. I sat down and Justin was standing in the same position. I can tell he was shocked. "I'm sorry Justin." I said still sobbing. "No I'm sorry Miley." He was about to leave. "Please stay Justin." He stopped and came over to me and he hugged me. I cried on his chest. "Shh, please don't cry."  "I never should have kissed you. It's my fault Justin." "No I just want to protect you."

Justin's POV

So I told the crew about what happened so they wouldn't ask questions to Miley. I told them about why I didn't want to be a couple and they understood me. I told them also to leave if Miley comes in. And right after that Miley came in. The crew leaved and we were alone. It was sad to see Miley crying. But then she said that I ruined her life. Good job Justin. I wanted to leave but Miley stopped me. After I said that I just want to protect her this happened:

"For what?" "I can't tell." "Justin tell me." "No I can't." "Why?" "Because it's stupid." "Just say it. It's about me so I need to know." She was right. But I couldn't tell her. "Alright, so when you tried to kiss me at the park a fan took secretly a picture." She nodded. "The fan placed it on Twitter and I was getting alot of hate. Also there were l tweets who were about you. They said that you would lose alot of fans if you were with me." I lied. I felt horrible. If I tell her the truth then we would be both dead.

Miley's POV

Justin told me why he didn't want me. It came out like a lie. "You're a fucking bitch Justin." "Why Miley? What's wrong now?" "You're lying to me in my fucking eyes." "No I didn't." He lied again that he didn't lie. "Justin we both know you are a bad liar." "I just can't tell you." "You just could say that. But smart Justin wants to lie because then stupid Miley would shut her fucking mouth." "Miley please don't." "What the fuck Justin. You know I'm just done with you." I left and I thought Justin would go after me. I thought that he would hug me and say that everything was gonna be alright between us. But no. I was wrong. He just sat there doing nothing. I came home and I lied on my bed. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. My mind was full of thoughts. I went to my piano and decided to write a song. After 2 hours I finally had a song. This one was definitely going to be a single. It was a song called Wrecking Ball. I thought about how the music video will be. It would make the official end of Hannah Montana.

I recorded the song in the studio. Larry wasn't there. Actually it was weird that nobody was. But it was a good thing for me. It sounded very cool actually. When I uploaded the audio on YouTube, the next day when I was sleeping someone called me. What the fuck? Why is somebody calling me at 6 in the morning? I looked at my phone and it was a unknown number. I decided to pick up. "Hello?" "Is this Miley Cyrus?" "Yeah it is. So who are you?" "I'm Terry Richardson. I want to film a music video for your song Wrecking Ball. I'll text you the address of the studio and also what time you must be here." "Ok that's good. Thanks Terry. See you later." I hung up and right after that a new text came in. Oh the studio is close. And I will be there 2 PM. Nice time actually. I know that it is wrong not to tell Larry but this is gonna be huge and Larry wouldn't accept the song because it is too emotional and everyone will be asking more about it. Ugh that's good if everyone talks about it. Sometimes Larry could be so stupid. But he is the cutest. I was going to sleep again. I'm excited actually.


Sorry for the short chapter and thanks for so many reads! Please tell me in the comments if you enjoy this begin of the story.

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