Chapter 14

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Justin's POV

*SLAP* I woke immediately up and opened my eyes. Oh no, Selena. My cheek burnt of the pain. I can't stand this anymore. 'Hello honey, I'm sorry but I need something to throw all my anger in and that's you.' 'Selena you're crazy! You can't just beat me up everytime you are angry. That's bullshit. Do you ever wonder how I feel right now? If you had this pain, you would be dead right now. I didn't do anything bad to you. I said a hundred times that me and Miley weren't together, or in love. Those kisses were just publicity stunts. Why are you making a big deal of it? And by the way, you cheated on me. You just go fuck that boy and don't abuse yourself? It hurts me to see you like this. But I'm sorry, we never gonna be together like in the past. Selena, I know that this woman isn't you. You just thought I cheated on you and you wanted revenge. Now, your psycho side has taken you over. I promise, when you let me free we're gonna be close friends and everything is gonna get better.' Then Selena burst out in tears. Wow. She sat down the chair. 'I'm so sorry Justin. I thought that you would give me more attention if I just payed more attention to Liam. I never knew that he was the boyfriend of Miley Cyrus. After knowing you wouldn't call me, I followed you on the news. With all those pictures of you and her, I t turned into someone else. I felt alot more confident and bad. I thought and thought, then this came up into my mind. Me and Liam did everything to get you here and her family away from her. I wanted to hurt you and Liam wanted to let Miley feel alone but his plan didn't work because she has a new hot boyfriend. But he's like so hot that I coul-.' 'Okay I get it.' We laughed a bit. 'I'm sorry.' 'Selena?' 'Yes?' 'Can you undo these ropes?' 'Yeah I can.' She walked to the kitchen. O my god I'm so glad that this is all over. And now we are just friends. She came back with a knife and undid the ropes around my hands and feet. I tried to stand up but fell down instead. It felt like all the blood in my streamed again and I felt more powerful but my whole body did hurt like hell. Selena got me some water. Then I understood how thirsty I was. 'Thank you.' I drank the whole bottle empty. It felt so good to my mouth. 'Do you want to get in the shower?' 'Yeah that would be nice.' I tried to stand up again with all my power I got. I groaned when I tried to walk to the bathroom. Selena helped me with walking by holding me by my arm. We got in the bathroom and Selena started to take my clothes off. Well, I'm glad she didn't pull off my boxers. I stepped in the shower and felt the warm water stream down my body. It hurted a bit because some wounds were still fresh. Selena is really strong you know. She washed off my head with shampoo and when it was all done I got out of the shower. Selena wrapped a towel around me. We walked to the bed and sat down. I shivered the whole time. When my boxers were dry enough Selena stood up to grab some clothes out of her suitcase. 'I got you some clothes too of course.' 'Thanks.' I smiled. I stood up and put my clothes on. It took long because I was about to fall everytime when only one foot was on the ground. We talked the whole morning together and it was fun.

Miley's POV

We are finally in Hawaii!!!!! It's sooo beautiful here. The last time I came here was when I was on to- Oh no, that time I saw Liam having sex with Justin's girlfriend. Well I'm glad he did, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to date Terry. Me and Terry got into a hotel and felt pretty comfortable. We did some games, and talked a bit. And of course some make-out sessions hehe. Until it was time to get Justin. I took my clothes off and got a black shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, black accesssoire and black sunglasses. I grabbed my black bag and put a binocular, ropes and my mobile in it. Terry came in the room and laughed his ass off. 'What?' 'Miley, why you look like this?' 'That girl is a kidnapper so you never know.' 'Well, are you ready?' he asked still laughing. 'Yeah I am, and stop laughing.' 'Okay, let's go. First we gonna find a taxi and drive to the hotel and then we will ask at the reception in which room and then we will see how this is gonna end.' 'Good plan. We are going to their room and kidnap Justin back and smash Selena's head.' 'Uhm okay..' We walked outside and got a taxi. 'Where we going sir?' Terry grabbed a little piece of paper out of his pocket with the address on it. 'Uhm, the Ohana East hotel, please.' We drove away. I'm pretty nervous though you know. For 3 reasons. One: We gonna get Justin away from his crazy girlfriend. Two: I didn't see him in a while. Three: Justin is gonna come back. The trip was pretty long. But then, we finally arrived. We stepped out of the taxi and Terry paid the cab driver.The hotel looked pretty nice actually. I thought people who kidnap other people keep them hidden in an empty, cold room.

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