Chapter 17

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Miley's POV

I woke up by daylight. God, I've slept so comfortable. I turned around to see Justin sleeping. Huh? Oh right, last night me and Justin watched a movie. Where's Terry? I walked downstairs and saw Selena sleeping on the couch, and Terry making breakfast in the kitchen. I walked over to Terry and hugged him from behind. Then, he pushed me back. What the fuck? Maybe he thought that I was Selena because he didn't even look over. 'Hey Terry, it's me.' I said. 'Yeah I know.' 'Why are you like this?' 'Like what?' 'I don't know, stupid.' He turned around. 'Am I stupid? You are the stupid one.' What the fuck is wrong with him? 'Why am I stupid?' 'Because you're faking that you love me.' 'Wait what?' 'Yeah you heard me. First, you say that you don't know if you love me. Then, you say I love you to Justin. And then, I see you sleeping with him in your bed. What happened to you? You're acting like a slut.' 'A slut, really? Well, thank you Terry. Maybe, I said that I didn't knew if I loved you because I wasn't by myself. Maybe, I said I love you to Justin, because I love him as a friend. Maybe, we fell asleep while watching an other movie because you and Selena were sleeping downstairs.' He looked pretty guilty. 'Look, Miley, I'm sorry bu-' 'Shut your fucking mouth. You stupid asshole. Now, get out of this fucking house and never talk to your slutty girlfriend ever.' 'But ple-' 'Shut the fuck up!' He walked mad out of the kitchen and he slammed the door of the house. Justin rushed over to me. 'What happened?' 'Justin, am I really a slut?' 'No what the fuck? Wait, did he call you that?' I didn't say anything. 'I'm gonna beat that boy right in his face.' He said. Pretty sweet. 'No Justin, please. It's okay.' 'Why you got in a fight?' 'He saw me sleeping with you in bed.' 'Oh, I get it. I'm sorry.' 'Why you sorry?' 'Well, you have a boyfriend and I just slept with you in one bed.' 'Dude, there's nothing special about that. We were just sleeping. No big deal. And.. I was pretty comfortable.' 'Yeah me too actually. I haven't slept normallly these days you know. But wait, is it now over between you and Terry?' 'Uh, I don't know. We'll see. Why..?' PLEASE don't say that he fell in love with me. Please don't. 'I.. Uhh, how can I say this right..' Oh shit. I panicked. 'I'm just asking.' He laughed. 'Don't worry, I won't fall in love with you this fast.' 'Oh so you're saying someday you will?' 'Maybe. Who knows..' He smiled. 'Justin.. Do you still have those wounds?' 'Yeah of course.' 'Do they hurt?' 'Only if you touch them harshly.' 'Can I see them?' 'Uh.. Okay.' He pulled his thin, blue shirt over his head and a whole upper body filled with bruisings and tattoos got released. I just stood there looking at his upper body with my mouth wide open. I first touched his collar bones, looking at some scratches. Then, the top of my fingers got slowly lower to his chest. There were scratches and bruises everywhere. At the end, my fingers touched his sixpack, on a big bruise. It almost covered his whole sixpack. Justin jumped a little back because of the pain but I didn't stop myself. And then, I heard someone clear his throat. 'Selena?' Justin said. I immediately got my hand off Justin's chest and looked at Selena. She looked pretty shocked and mad at the same time. Justin pulled his shirt on. 'Uh, I just got thirsty and wanted to drink some water.. Sorry to interrupt, I'll go again.' 'No, no Selena. We weren't doing that what you're thinking. I was just looking at Justin's wounds. How did you hurt him so bad?' I asked, trying to change the topic. 'I'm not that weak as you are, you know.' 'What's that supposed to mean?' 'Well, Terry just called me to ask what you two were doing now. And he told me about that you guys slept together. I call it weak to sleep with an other guy while you have a boyfriend.' 'First of all, I'm not the only one here who slept with an other guy. Second of all, at least I didn't have sex with him like you did. And the third, you bitch.' 'Okay okay, I'm sorry. But what can I text to him? I don't think he would be happy to know that you were touching Justin's sixpack. Shall I say that or make something up?' 'Uh, it's better if you make something up. I don't wanna come between Miley and Terry's relationship.' 'Okay then, l'll text him something.' She was about to walk out of the kitchen but Justin stopped her. 'Selena, aren't you mad?' Selena turned around. 'No, why would I be? We broke up so.. Nothing to be jealous of.' 'Really? That's cool.' He said. Selena smiled, winked at Justin and walked away. 'That's weird. Normally Selena is a incredible jealous type.' 'Maybe she changed then.' I said. 'Hey Justin, you wanna come with me to the studio? Larry is probably there and we have some work to do.' 'Yeah of course, let's go.'

We arrived at the studio and me and Justin were walking in. 'LARRYY!!!' 'Who? Oh, Miley, I missed you so much. You too Justin.' I jumped on Larry and hugged him tightly. Justin gave Larry a boy hug. You know, how boys do. 'Miley, we got a lot of work to do. We got the tour over 1 week and the album isn't even done yet. Oh and by the way, I'm happy about that Wrecking Ball song and video. It surprised me that you did it all by yourself. The people are still talking about it, perfect! Now, go and make some new songs. Justin could help you.' 'Okay Larry, me and Justin will be at the music room.' We walked over to the music room with a piano in the middle. I sat down on the seat of the piano and grabbed some papers and a pen. 'So, Justin, I already thought about a song but it hasn't got lyrics yet.' I played something on the piano. 'That's pretty good. We can make this song about Liam you know. To let people think that you're heartbroken so they will hate Liam more and care more about you.' 'Good idea Justin. Let's see.' I played it again. Justin grabbed one paper and the pen and wrote 'Drive' at the top. 'Drive?' 'Yeah, that could be the name of the song.' 'O my god, that's perfect. We're gonna start the song with the introduction. Then, the chorus and after that a verse. Then the chorus and a verse right after. Then the bridge and at last the chorus.' 'Yeah sure.' Justin sat next to me and played the part I just played, while looking at the paper with the music notes on it. Dude, he even plays better than I play. 'Drive my heart into the night..' I suddenly sang. Justin looked at me surprised and I grabbed the paper with Drive on top. 'Justin play.' Justin played the part again and I wrote some lyrics down. When I was done, I placed the paper on that piano thing where you put all your papers on and played the song. 'Drive my heart into the night. You can drop the keys off in the morning. Cause I don't wanna leave home. Without your love, without it.' I sang. Justin just looked at me with his mouth wide open. 'What?' I asked. 'First of all, how did you make that up so fast? Second of all, you're voice is beautiful.' I felt myself blush. 'Well, I don't know. And thanks.' I smiled. He's the sweetest.

We got the song completely ready and on youtube and I was about to tweet about it.

'@mileycyrus: New song, Drive, hope you guys like it ;). (link to the song)'

Me, Larry and Justin were in the studio, just talking. Then, I got a message from Terry. 'You slut.' He said. 'What the fuck?' I texted back. 'Selena just told me that you and Justin were making out back then in the kitchen. You're a fucking whore Miley.' Wait what? Why would she say that? Oh that motherfuckin bitch.


I know that it's been a while since my last update, but I've been busy with school and my other story lately. But anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it and love you all x

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