special | valentine's day

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This is a special scenario where each of them receives their Valentine's gift from the reader, and how they will react towards the gift.

Ricky Accardo

Your Valentine's gift for Ricky is a box of chocolates with a white belt wrapped around it. The belt is actually something special to you. It reminded you of the days you first joined your chosen martial art. You cherish it so much because someone very special gave it to you when you are still so young, encouraging you to participate in the activity.

"Well, this is one hell of a way to wrap a gift."

"And you better take good care of it or there will be consequences."

"Of course, I will!", he said and suddenly pulled you towards him to give you an appreciation hug where you tried to push him off.

Knowing that you can't really win against him when has that tight hold on you, you sigh in defeat.

"Okay, okay, you're welcome, dork. You can let go now."

Isaac Mines

The kind of Valentine's gift that Isaac will receive are art supplies that would definitely be in good use for him since he loves art. Given that Isaac is not the kind of person to eat sweet things such as chocolates, you decided to get him something else that he could use for a long time.

"So, do you like it? I know you don't like sweets, so I thought that these will do. I tried to think of something else but I just can't. I-If you don't like it, I-I could---", a soft peck on the lips cut you off as you froze mid-sentence, and a blush covers your face.

"What are you saying, shorty? Of course, I love it.", Isaac said while ruffling your hair as he gave you a smile that only you get to see.

Orie Mitnik

For someone like Orie who loves sweets, of course you would make something for him. In a medium size box are filled with cute basketball themed cupcakes, specially made for Orie only. To add to his delight, you also prepared a bag of chocolate chips for him while also giving some to each of his teammates, Jordan and one for your best friend.

"You are beyond amazing! How can you manage to do this overnight? Aren't you tired?", he asked from a happy tone to a concerned one. He's worried that you didn't get the rest that you needed the night before.

"I'm fine! I've got some help at home, so you don't have to worry.", you brushed it off with a bright smile on your face.

Orie's eyes softens as he looks at you. He could never ask for more. You are definitely the greatest and most beautiful thing that has ever happened to him.

"Thank you.", he softly said as he gently pulled you towards him to give you a kiss on your forehead, showing his gratitude.

[A/N]: Hi! So it's been a while now since I've last updated, and I apologise for that. Also on the days that I haven't update, this story gained some votes, comments and reads. It really, really made me happy to know that you guys enjoyed what I write even though there are some mistakes here and there. I really do appreciate it, and I hope that you are willing to stay till the end, despite my slow updates. Once again, thank you so much everyone.♡

If you have any questions regarding the characters, the scenarios or me as the author, feel free to ask in the comment section or you could just private message me :)

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