17 | he feels left out

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Just as promised, here's an update since like forever!(⌒▽⌒)

{ Things to look out for }

(f/n) -- Friend's Name

(f/a) -- Favourite Anime

(y/n) -- Your Name

Ricky Accardo

Neglected by your favourite person is not great at all.

As you excitedly talk with (f/n) about (f/a), Ricky was sitting right beside you with a small frown etched on his face. Both you and (f/n) have been talking for hours---well, according to Ricky, it felt like hours when it has only been just a few minutes. Though seriously, lunch is about to end and you still haven't finished talking to (f/n).

All those minutes that passed by made Ricky feel even more annoyed that you still haven't paid any of your attention to him.

The last time he checked, you are supposed to be his girlfriend, not (f/n). Why are you taking so much time talking to another guy when he's right there beside you.

Of course, he may not have a clue on what you two are talking about but he can't help but feel neglected by you. If he could, he would have long take you away from (f/n). Though when he sees your excited expression, he thought twice about interrupting your conversation.

As you excitedly hear about (f/n)'s opinion on one of your favourite animes, you could sense a gloomy aura oozed nearby. In the corner of your eye, you notice that Ricky's form was slightly slumped. Instantly, you knew where that gloomy aura came from.

'He's adorable when he sulks' you thought while mentally giggling, but then your sweat dropped as another thought popped up, '...but could be annoying when I don't make it up to him afterwards.'

With that thought, you gently took a hold of his hand and intertwine your fingers together before giving him a comforting squeeze as a sign of your apology for not giving him enough attention.

After a few seconds, Ricky gently squeezes back and firmly hold your hand in his as a blush crept up his face.

'Damn . . .' he thought as he tried to cover his blushing face with his free hand.

Isaac Mines

Recently, a friend of yours introduced you to a game that had now become one of your addictions. It was too addictive that you can't help but spend most of your time on it.

The day has finally come to an end, and as both you and Isaac step out of school grounds, you immediately took out your phone and load your saved game.

You sighed in content, and concentrate on your game while Isaac walk beside you with his usual bored expression. Though when he was about to start a conversation with you, he realize that you are focus with your game.

Thinking that you would eventually stop playing, he decided to let you be and not bother you. He could have a conversation with you after you're done.

Though as the both of you are getting nearer to your destination, Isaac was starting to get annoyed that the game had all your attention. If he could, he would snatch your phone from you right now and give it back to you when you reached your destination. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't since you will get upset with him and not talk to him until he gives you back your phone.

'Ah, this is so troublesome . . .' he thought as the feeling of being left out appear within him.

Too busy with the game you played, you are unaware that the both of you have finally reached your destination.

"We're here." Isaac informed in a monotone voice, resulting you to take your eyes away from the game for a while to look at your surroundings.

You smiled and was about to bid your farewell when Isaac just turn and walk away from you without even saying a goodbye. You think it's weird because he would always say goodbye before parting ways with you.

'Isaac . . .?' you thought in bewilderment, tilting your head a little to the side.

When you finally realize what's wrong, you hastily make your way towards him before he walks any further. The moment you reached him, you instantly wrapped your arms around his waist and bury your face in his back, halting his movements.

"I'm sorry." you said sincerely, your voice muffled as you apologize and tighten your hold around his waist to show that you mean it.

Isaac gently pry your arms away from around his waist and turn to face you so he could hug you properly. Though of course, he gently push your head against his torso to prevent you from seeing the adorable blush he has on his face.

Orie Mitnik

It was another day of practice for the basketball club, and today you are having a three-on-three with Orie's teammates in the gym.

Orie was not in the three-on-three since the coach needs to have a talk with him privately outside the gym. So while waiting for their captain to come back, one of the team members decided to have a three-on-three and invited you to play along.

You gladly accepted and team-up.

You are having such a great time with the other members that you're not aware that Orie had come back inside. He was ready to have some time with you before they proceed with their practice but he notice that you aren't anywhere near Jordan.

The moment his eyes finally landed on you, a smile appear on his face as he watch you having fun with his teammates. He thought that you would eventually notice that he's back, so he decided to take a little break and take a drink from his water bottle.

The sound of laughter, and constant teasing filled the gym. Minutes have gone by and you still haven't notice Orie. He was starting to feel neglected since you seem to be having so much fun with his teammates than him.

A few feet from him, Jordan was busy thinking of any strategies that would be helpful for the team in their next game. When she sense a gloomy aura nearby, she stop for a while and look around before her eyes finally landed on Orie whose sulking and pouting while watching you have a three-on-three match.

Jordan smirked and blew her whistle, startling Orie and stopping the game.

"Yo (y/n)! Your prince charming is pouting, go and cheer him up!" she bluntly said and points toward Orie whom look at her with a don't-you-dare expression.

You knitted your eyebrows in confusion before finally understanding what she's saying. You turn your gaze to look at Orie and giggled at his blushing face.

You make your way towards him and hug him when you've finally reach him, causing him to hug back in return before giving your forehead a kiss.

"I'm sorry, Orie." you genuinely said and he chuckles as he slightly tightens his arms around you.

"It's okay, princess."

[A/N]: So how's the update? Did you enjoy reading it?

Lastly, how are you? (⌒▽⌒)

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