02 | became friends

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{ Things to look out for }

(y/n) - Your name

(l/n) - Last name

(f/f) - Favourite food

(f/n) - Friend's name

(f/l/n) - Friend's last name

Ricky Accardo

The gentle breeze that blew through the window of the infirmary causes the white curtains to sway and fill the infirmary with fresh air. The fresh air was supposed to calm people, but it didn't work on the pacing male in the room.

He is worried, worried that something bad would happen to the person that is lying on the bed. Their chest is moving up and down, assuring him that they are still alive and fine. Still, it doesn't mean that they are fine in the head.

Suddenly, he heard a groan that cause him to stop his pacing and turn to look at you.

You tried to open your eyes but you are unable to do so due to the brightness in the room. After closing your eyes for a few more seconds, you slowly try to open them again.

When you are finally able to adjust to the brightness, you decided to sit up and your hand instantly went to your head trying to get rid of the slight pain and dizziness.

"What the hell happened to me?", you asked yourself, still not aware that there is another presence in the room staring at you in anxiousness.

"Where am I anyway?", you asked out loud again, and this time you heard a noise coming from your left.

The hitched breath was from a guy with dark hair, he looked pale like he had just seen a ghost.

You furrow your eyebrows at him and decided to ask, "What's wrong? Am I dead?".

Hearing that statement coming from your own mouth is enough for you to get worried and panic at the same time. Meanwhile, the boy had recover and is now staring at you as if you had just grown four heads.

"Oh gosh, I am dead aren't I?!", you asked again and went to get off the bed when a sudden flashback came back and all the memories that had happened at the park earlier hit you all at once.

When you remembered the incident, you glare at the guy. "You!", you said out loud as you pointed an accusing finger at him.

He looked startled and then narrowed his eyebrows at you. You got off the bed and stormed your way towards the guy with a glare still fixated on your face.

"Tell me who did this to me this instant and I will crush that person with my bare hands just like they crash my face with a damn ball!", you growled out furiously while cracking your knuckles in the process.

Your actions as well as the determined and menace look you have in your eyes actually frighten him that he even took a step back to get away from you.

After a moment of silent, he finally lets out a sheepish chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck resulting you to raise an eyebrow at him in question.

"A-actually, I was the one who accidentally kick the ball and hit you on the face . . ." he admitted honestly, his voice getting even more timid each word he said.

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