13 | first date

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{ Things to look out for }

(y/n) - Your name

(f/c) - Favourite colour

Ricky Accardo

"This can't be happening . . ." he trailed off in disbelief as he lost another round to you. His pride hurts because he lost to you at every game you guys played in the arcade.

"Don't mind, don't mind. I'm sure you're good at something?" you joked, patting his back with a smirk plastered on your face.

An irk mark appeared on his forehead as he turns and glare at you. "What's that supposed to mean?" he whined and you snickered at him.

His glare deepens before he pouts and looks away from you with his arms crossed while you just rolled your eyes at him. He is currently sulking and you know that it is not a good sign, because a sulking Ricky is an annoying little $#*!-head Ricky.

Therefore, you tried to think of a plan to cheer him up again. You don't want a whining and grumpy Ricky on a date, do you?

Suddenly, you thought of something that will probably cheer him up, and as much as you don't like the idea you just have to do it. You know you're horrible at what you just thought of, but it is better for the both of you to have fun. Besides, it will be fair.

"Hey Ricky, I have somewhere I wanted to go with you." you said as you pick up the tickets you've won from all the games, but all he does is grunt as a response.

'I can't believe it's starting already.' you thought in annoyance as you stared at Ricky with narrowed eyes.

You then took a deep breath and exhale slowly, just to calm yourself. You don't want to ruin this date, so you need to be calm and keep your first date flowing smoothly.

"Come on Ricky, I really wanted to go with you to this place! . . . Even though I dislike it very much." you said and mumbled the last part quietly so he could not hear it.

When he still doesn't want to move though, you decided to just grab his left arm and drag him towards the counter to take your prize using the tickets you've won.

"Don't be such a big baby Ricky, and move your body! I really want that fluffy walrus, and you're not going to prevent me from getting it by being so fudging stubborn, damn it!"


After you got yourself the fluffy walrus you wanted, you couldn't be happier and walk beside Ricky while humming a happy tune.

The both of you are now heading towards your destination. Even though you don't want to show it, inside you are getting nervous every second and every step you took towards that one place.

"We're here." you said timidly as you stop in front of a building, a beautiful (f/c) neon light decorated the word 'Karaoke'.

When Ricky heard your voice, he narrowed his eyebrows at your tone before finally looking up to where you guys had stop at. He's been staring at the ground the whole way as if it is the most interesting thing he has ever seen, therefore he doesn't acknowledge the place you wanted to go with him.

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