12 | confess

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{ Things to look out for }

(y/n) - Your name

(c/n) - Crush's name

(r/n) - Random name

(e/c) - Eye colour

Ricky Accardo

You would have never thought that searching for Ricky would be so hard. You tried searching places where he would usually be or hang out with his friends. You even went to the field, in hopes that he is there kicking a soccer ball into the goal but unfortunately he was not there either.

"Where could he have been? Geez, I feel like I'm chasing Cinderella here but the problem is he didn't drop anything on the way." you thought out loud as you pushed back the strands of hair from your face that had fell out when you were running.

You are currently in the building where club activities are held, leaning on the wall for support as you rest from all the running.

As you tried to catch your breath, your ears suddenly perked up at something. You heard someone singing, and to your surprise it's not even a girl's voice. The voice doesn't sound bad at all, actually it felt nice and soothing to hear. Though the weird thing is the choice of song.

The song is kind of depressing and sad. Even the emotions he puts in goes well with the song. It's like he is feeling all the pain at that moment and wants to said it all out loud through the lyrics of the song.

As you hear the singing voice of this mysterious guy, you slowly make your way towards the music room a few doors away from where you are now. Curiosity burning inside you, wanting to see who this guy with an angelic voice is. Does his face match his voice? Is it someone you know? Are the both of you friends? If so, you sure are a lucky girl to have someone as him.

Now standing in front of the music room, you took a deep breath and exhale. You put your hand on the knob and twist it as quietly as possible to not interrupt whoever is in there.

Succesfully avoid from making a single sound, you slowly push the door open.

When your eyes land on a familiar dark haired male, your eyes widen in surprise and wonder as a small gasp left your lips. You just could not believe your eyes as it stayed on Ricky who is strumming the guitar in his hands while singing softly to the tune with both his eyes closed.

"Ricky . . ." you mumbled under your breath but he was too lost in the song that he didn't even heard it or notice your presence that is now in the room, standing just a few feet away from him with an awestricken expression and eyes shining brightly with wonder as you stare at him.

When he finished the song, a defeated sigh left his lips resulting you to raise your eyebrow at him in confusion. He is still unaware of your presence before he finally looked up, and his own eyes widen in surprise at your presence.

"(Y/n) . . ." he said with widen eyes before averting his eyes somewhere else.

"What are you doing here?" he then asked in a monotonous voice but a slight tint of pink covered his cheeks.

'He's probably embarrassed that I caught him singing.' you thought with a smirk but quickly covered it up with a cough, using your hand to cover the smile on your face.

"I'm actually looking for you." you admitted.

"And why would you do that?" he asked hesitantly with a raised eyebrow, confused on why you are searching for him when you are going to confess to the person you like. It just doesn't make sense to him.

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