Rvb S9 E15 "Team B: On The Run"

Start from the beginning

Leo stays silent for a bit.

Leo: ...can we not talk about them.

Tucker: (Confused) Huh, why not?

Leo: They're dead Tucker.

Tucker: Ooh shit, sorry.

A silence of awkward tension, falls between the two, until Tucker tries to light the situation up... in his own way.

Tucker: Think, I would have a shot with your sister?

Leo turns to Tucker in surprise, taken back by the sudden question.

Leo: W-What?

Tucker: I said, would I have a shot with her?

Leo: Tucker... you do know who your talking about, right?

Tucker: Yeah?

Leo: Let me put this simply, you know who my Mum is right?

Tucker: Yeah, it's Tex.

Leo: Exactly and Carolina is my Sister soooo...

Tucker: Soo what- ooh.

Leo: Yeahhh.

Tucker: ...that explains a lot actually.

Over by Grif and Simmons at the other warthog. Simmons is counting up the ammunition as a radio sounds in Grif's helmet.

Carolina (Radio): Team B, come in.

Grif doesn't hear her and continues to keep snoring.

Carolina (Radio): (Aggressively) Team B, come in!

Out of instinct of hearing a angry women, he jolts up forward and wakes up from his nap.

Grif: Huh, uh what!?

Carolina (Radio): Tell the others to head to the extraction point, got it.

Grif: Like, right now? Or in a few minutes-

Carolina (Radio): Got it!

Grif: (Nervous) Uh, yeah got it!

The radio goes off as Simmons stops what he's doing and looks at Grif.

Simmons: Who we're you talking to?

Grif: Leo's sister.

Simmons: What did she say?

Grif: Some crap about us having to head to and extraction thing.

Simmons: You mean the extraction point?

Grif: Yeah, that's what I said.

Simmons: No, you said extraction thing.

Grif: Well, you just did as well.

Simmons: No, I didn't- ugh, I'm just gonna tell the others.

Simmons walks away and heads towards Leo and Tucker who are still chatting.

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