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Your POV

The next morning Jungkook offered to go and buy the groceries while I stay with Areum who haven't talked since she woke up. "Areum, Dibo is on." I called but the girl just sat on the kitchen stool silently, the bowl of rainbow cereal left untouched. I thanked heavens that Namjoon called, "Areum look, its daddy." I quickly walked towards the girl.

This caught her attention almost immediately, and the moment Namjoon's voice was heard the poor girl broke into tears.

"Daddy." Areum wailed and I just stared at Areum while patting her back gently.

"Now why are you crying princess?"

"Daddy I want to be with you." Areum hiccuped while wiping her tears, I placed the phone on the table turning it on speaker as I grabbed the box of tissues. "I'm sorry princess, daddy will meet you in a few days okay? Can you do that for daddy?" Namjoon asked and clearly anyone will not think that this guy is a mafia leader because of how soft he is talking to Areum. "Okay daddy, I just miss you." Areum sniffed, their father and daughter interaction made my mind drift away to my own parents.

How come I have no memory of them except for my mother's lullaby?

"Daddy promise that we'll meet soon okay? How about we go on vacation together?"

"With unnie too?"

I looked over Areum who gave me the kitty eyes and of course again I can't reject. "If she wants to. How bout that unnie? Do you want to go with us?" Oh Namjoon you little sneaky piece of-

"Of course I'll go." I faked a smile through the line and Namjoon chuckled, "Okay, daddy has to go now."

He's talking to Areum okay Y/N.

(A/n: lol)

"Bye daddy, I love you." Areum was finally smiling and that all matters to me. Once Namjoon hung up Areum got off the stool with my help and sat on the sofa and watched the show. The door jingles and Jungkook came back with bags in his hands, "Here, you have no idea how embarrassing it is for me to ask the worker which one is the night pads." Jungkook huffed and I ruffled his hair playfully.

I was still bleeding thank God because let's be real, Namjoon's pull out game is weak as hell. "Thank you Kookie." I smiled as he plopped himself next to Areum who squealed since the impact made her jump a bit. Jungkook pulled her over his lap as the two kids watched the purple dragon on screen.

While they're busy I went to prepare lunch for us and sorting out the items into the fridge and even the pantry. 


"Unnie can I go to daycare?" Areum asked me one day while I was in the kitchen baking cookies since the two wanted to eat some. I stopped the mixer and looked at her, "I don't know Areum, ask your daddy that." I said as she put the chocolate chips inside the batter, she went to pick up my phone and called her dad since I put Namjoon's number on speed dial and Areum seems to know how to call someone.

Kids these days.

While Areum went to talk to Namjoon I turned around to check on Jungkook who's busy cutting the cookies using the cookie cutters, but he was also holding a knife. "What on earth are you doing?" I frowned at the guy, "I'm trying to carv iron man, hush let me work in peace." Jungkook focused on his cookie.

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