Chapter Three

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Three months later

Camila couldn't help but giggle as Normani kissed her neck. "Mani, the girls will be here any minute."

"I don't care." Normani said.

Shifting, the younger girl cups Normani's cheek and pulls her into an actual kiss.

Normani smiled against Camila's lips.

Slowly, Camila pulls away and smiles. "I'm hungry." She says randomly.

"Okay." Normani giggles and sat up, she moved off of Camila. "Lets go make a sandwich."

Slowly getting up, Camila stretches and releases a soft yawn. "I kinda want taco bell."

"Well, you'll need to wait until our friends get here so we can go out." Normani said softly.

Pouting, Camila crosses her arms. "No fair."

Normani rolled her eyes playfully.

Giggling, Camila moves over to Normani and wraps her arms around the older girl's neck. "They need to hurry."

"They'll be here soon." Normani said.

Moving closer, Camila nuzzles Normani's neck. "I'm so tired." She mumbles. "But I'm hungry too."

"Well, our friends will be here soon." Normani responded.

As soon as she says that, the doorbell rings.

"See. I told you." Normani said.

Pulling away, Camila immediately grabs her shoes and pulls them on before moving down the stairs and opening the door. "Taco bell."

"Hi." Ally said. "Someone's eager."

The youngest of the girls just nods her head, looking toward Lauren. "Taco bell." She says expectantly.

"Um... I'm not really hungry." Lauren said.

"Laur, I'm pretty sure your baby mama is trying to tell you she wants to eat at taco bell." Dinah says, rolling her eyes.

"You guys can eat but I'm not hungry." Lauren shook her head.

Camila shifts between them and frowns. "Can we go?"

Normani came down the stairs with her shoes on.

Camila was looking at the other girls expectantly, really wanting taco bell.

"Yeah. Let's go." Dinah said. "I'm hungry too."

Twenty minutes later

Camila was sitting at one of the tables, eating her tacos.

"Enjoying that?" Dinah said. "You're eating it really fast, maybe you should slow down."

Frowning, the younger girl puts the taco down and looks at table in embarrassment.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. You just need to slow down or you might choke." Dinah said.

Nodding slowly, Camila keeps her head down.

Dinah sighed heavily.

Reaching over, Normani gently grabs Camila's hand and leans over to whisper something in her ear.

Lauren couldn't help but watch them, jealousy filling her.

"I need to use the restroom." Lauren got up and left the room.

"Me too." Camila mumbles, getting up and making her way to the bathroom.

As soon as she walks in, Lauren's lips are crashing into hers in a passionate kiss.

The Fall of Tomorrow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora