Harry Who?

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               "Skkkky-laaaaar!" I scream to my girlfriend

"Whaaaaaat?" She answers, coming into the bedroom to join me

               "I want to do something." I grab her hands as I say this, then began to swing them back and forth

"What would you like to do?" Skylar smiles. She has the best smile in the world.

               "Let's go on a vacation." I say excitedly

"Where to?" She asks laughing at my excitement

               "You pick, love." I say, kissing her the cheek

"Let's go..." She pauses, probably thinking of where to go

We could practically go anywhere we want. I'm a surgeon and she's a doctor, so money comes in at large amounts.

               "I want to go to London." She says quietly.

When me and Skylar first met, she asked about my British accent. I laughed it off and told her to many bad things happened in London, where I lived, that I had to come here. She knows I hate the place, but she seems to love it, even if she's never been.

I thought about her decision. I haven't been there in how many years? 5? 6? It doesn't matter, whatever -or whoever- I left is in my past. Going to London shouldn't be a problem.

               "Okay, we'll go to London. Go pack." I say. Her face lights up and wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes me.

               "Thanks so much, Ed." Skylar says as she runs into our walk-in closet.

I watch my girlfriend quickly throw stuff into a suitcase. Her face shows that she ecstatic but on the inside, I know her thoughts are running loose. I know she wants to know what happened that was so bad that made me leave London and never go back.

A few minutes pass by before I hear a squeal from the closet. I get up walk towards the closet. I poke my head inside to see Skylar looking at herself in a mirror and she's wearing some sparkly heels.

               "Like them? They were supposed to be a surprise."

"Are you kidding me? I love them!" Skylar runs, as fast as she can is her heels, towards me.

She jumps on top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck, once again. I pick her legs up and she wraps them around my waist.

               "I love you, Edward Twist." Skylar whispers into my ear

"I love you, Skylar May." I reply, kissing her passionately

Skylar kisses back, then pulls away and releases her legs then her arms from my body. Her petite body runs over to her suitcase and rolls it towards me.

               "I'm done packing." Again, Skylar has the best smile in the world. From ear to ear, showing most of her teeth. She was a natural beauty.

               "I guess that only leaves me to pack. Go order tickets and I'll pack." I tell her and I head to the closet.

I look at my side of the closet. It's filled with clothes, half I've probably never worn. I pack a few t-shirts, sleeveless', and a suit. For pants, I just pack a bunch of jeans. I throw some underwear in there too, just in case.

Being a guy, I don't need much. But being Edward Twist, or formally Harry Styles, I need one thing. It comes with me everywhere I go and I usually always wear it. My former best friend's grey beanie.

It had a few holes in it, but I don't care. I throw it with the rest of the stuff in the suitcase. I zip up my luggage and grab Skylar's, rolling them to the front door.

               "Boo, come here!" I hear her scream for my office.

I go into my office and find Skylar on my computer, AKA the only computer in our flat.

               "I just got tickets for an 18 o' clock flight. First class."

"That's awesome. I'll go call a cab." I say, leaving Skylar in the office

I walk into the kitchen, where the land line is. I pick up the phone and dial the taxi cab's service number.

               "Hello?" A raspy voice answers on the other end

"Yes, hi. I would like a cab-" I look at the oven clock. 17 exactly. "ASAP please. We need to catch an 18 o' clock flight."

               "Didn't ask for your life story." The voice and the call was ended

Skylar walked into the room just as the conversation was over.

               "Get a cab?" She asked, raising her eyebrows

"I think so... I told him we needed to catch an 18 o' clock flight and he was like 'I don't need your life story.' and hung up." I say with a pouty face.

               "Well if we don't have a cab in 10 minutes I'll-" Skylar was interrupted by the doorbell.

I rush over to the door, open it, and see a man, maybe 40 years old, at my doorway. There was a yellow car parked in front of our mailbox.

               "Taxi cab's here. What am I carrying?" The guy sounded annoyed.

I hand him my suitcase as I take Skylar's and we walk out to the car. The guy pops the trunk and I place the suitcases in the trunk.

               "Babe, wait for me!" Skylar calls as she runs down to the taxi.

"Wouldn't leave you for the world." I say then kiss her

Once in the cab, the driver asks where we're headed to. I look at Skylar because she was the one who bought the tickets. For all I know we could be flying on a freight plane.

               "Melbourne Airport, please." Skylar says politely. She looks at me and smiles. Best. Smile. Ever.

               "$100 cash. Pay now or get out." The driver says, starting up the car.

I hand him the money and he shoots me a 'I'm-Gonna-Kill-You-Because-You're-So-Annoying Look'. I smirk back and turn my attention to my window.

               "I'm actually going back." I think to myself

This was something I promised myself I would never do, but yet I am. But it's for a reason. Skylar wants to and I love her more than anybody in the world.

               "More than Louis?" My conscious seems to ask me

Louis Tomlinson. Brown haired, green eyed beautiful boy that I left a long time ago. I ignored his calls, texts, and emails along with the other boy's too. I left them to be away from them, not to contact them at all times.

I pull my Iphone out of my pocket and go straight to the Itunes store. I search 'One Direction' and a few albums pop up. Up All Night, Take Me Home, Gotta Love Somebody, and Marry Me Tonight.

I'm Edward Twist, not Harry Styles. Harry's gone. Forever.

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