7: Ash And El

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Ashton, immersed in a deep conversation with another deaf student in his class, saw Elliott cutting across the courtyard.

He told the student he had to go and ran after him.
Being on the track team he caught up pretty quickly, and also the attention of Elliott.

Elliott peered around, the indoor  courtyard had a decent amount of students as well as the rest of DEED.
An enraged Decklin, still yearning.

"Not now." Elliott whispered.

"Is everything okay?" Ashton kept up with Elliott's pace, signing along the way.

"I'm not in the mood. Didn't we have a deal?" once that was said Ashton stopped in his tracks and took a look around.

"I'll ring you later." Elliott signed causing Ashton to smile hard, and walk away.
But he ran right into Decklin.

"Oi, dummy." he stated before resting his arm around his neck, pulling him toward the back of the school.

"You know, I'm glad we have a chance to chat Ash old chum. I've HEARD so much about you." Decklin sneered.

Once they reached the back bathrooms, he motioned for Daniel and Edward to watch the doors.
Ashton caught wind of what might happened, but he's never really been subjected to bullying.
Not with such a high standing in the school, no one would dare touch him or everyone would face expulsion.

"I hear you give free lessons in sign language. So, er, What is the sign for hello?" he asked while stepping closer to him.

Ashton signed hello.

"And what's the sign for fuck off?"

Ashton obliged cautiously.

"Right... Humor me, what's the sign for, I'm... fucked." Decklin's demeanor changed drastically.

Ashton stood still but shook his head.

"Go on then!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the bathroom stalls.

Ashton felt a chill through his body.
This might not end well.

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