5: Carlisle

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Carlisle checked the fridge and saw there was food in there, but nothing he wanted to eat.
Despite him buying all the food in the house, and paying the bills, he simmered in a mild depressive state.

His mother left him an inherentace, her savings she received from her mother and so forth.
Enough money that Carlisle would never have to work a day in his life, but he couldn't receive it all at one and must meet a financial advisor once a month as his funds are delivered to him.

As stated in her will, her husband, his father, is not allowed to touch the money whatsoever.
The day Carlisle turned eighteen, he received the first lump sum of $10,000, the first of many.
And if something happens to Carlisle, the money is to be donated to specific organizations throughout England and Ireland.

If he so chooses to leave his father's home, he would no longer need a financial advisor, but his father assured him, that he wouldn't have a moments rest once he left.

"And where you off to?" Marvin grumbled from the chair.

"Advisor today. I'll be back around 7." Carlisle said standing by his father's chair, but not too close.
As he towered over him, his blood boiled, but he was unsure why.
Yes, the detest for his father remained alive, but never as active as in that moment.

It was nearing his birthday, however, and surely, he would have to leave sooner than later.

The orange beer cans were scattered across the table.
He knew if he left, there was a chance his father would follow, so he grabbed the cans and as he bent over his father slapped his rear.

Carlisle jumped back and fell over the table onto the floor, he got up quickly and finished cleaning.

"D-don't wait up for me. A-and make sure you eat something."

"Ya never left for that long before. Where else you headed then?" his father's words slurred.

But Carlisle left to avoid telling him he was heading to counseling.
The first visit of many.

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