4: Ash And El

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Elliott left the table with his friends, the Prince's of the small and private college, Mornoff Academy, a popular position their parents bought them.
Including Elliott.

Daniel, Decklin, Edward, and Elliott, all with convient initials to cleverly spell DEED.

They ran the school with both academics and wealth, with a pinch of fear.
Out of their little group, Decklin would be Elliott's journal.
He told him everything, all the time, with grave detail, no matter how gruesome.
Even his escapades with the partial deaf/nonverbal savant Ashton.

Who was the pride and joy of the school.
His father being third generation headmaster, and in time, this too would be his to call his own.

"So, how was the birthday?" Decklin grunted, his face slightly buried in his arm to keep from whining.

Elliott confided in Decklin for more than just his secrets.
He grunted as well while pounding away at Decklin's derriere.
Decklin being the oldest of the foursome, he also happened to be the poorest, Elliott and Edward tied for the youngest position, Elliott had the longest reach with his money.
Effectively assuming his place at the top.

"It was fine, just uh... just wish he could speak you know. He had to teach me sign language in order for us to communicate. It's not cool. I'd hard to be intimate with him. " Elliott picked up the pace completely and  emotionally detached from the fornication.
He'd might as well be having sex with a log, he couldn't stand the sight of anyone else other than Ashton.

And Decklin couldn't refuse. Nor did he want to, quiet as kept.

Decklin's eyes rolled into the back of his head, despite asking the question, he checked out before he could hear the answer.
His hand gripped the sink and it wasn't long before the climax would overload his senses.

Elliott could see Decklin's face in the mirror, his muffled moans and facial expressions were erotic, Ashton makes the same faces, he can't make the same sounds, which happened to be Elliott's turn on.
Caught off guard, he blew his load a lot faster than he had ever done all over Decklin's leg.

"Are you mad?!" Decklin shouted, not quite satisfied, as Elliott got dressed.

"I-I'm sorry mate, I gotta go."

"YOU WANKER!" Decklin shouted after Elliott who ran out the restroom.

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