Make a Wish (Brithday Special)

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Another chapter that is not canon to this story, but then again nothing is canon because this is fan fiction.
(d.o.b) means date of birth
(f/f) means favorite flavor

Sora's POV

I was walking around town without any care in the world. There have been no Heartless attacks for the past couple of days, which meant me and the others can finally relax. But I can't relax right now, because I have something planned for (Y/n) tomorrow. Tomorrow is his birthday and I have everything planned out. First we are going to have a picnic on the nearby hill so we can see the town, then we'll go to Corona and dance at the festival that was being held there, and once it's over we will head to Twilight Town and watch the sunset.

This is going the be the best birthday ever for (Y/n), just thinking about it make me all excited and happy. I could feel a huge smile go on my face because I'll know he'll love it. Man I can't wait for tomorrow!

I continue to walk through town and while walking I see Riku and (Y/n) looking around at the nearby shops. I decided to go say hi and hang out with them both. "Hey guys! What are you guys doing here?" I ask them. "Oh I was just getting (Y/n) something." Riku said and I tilted my head in confusion. "Really? What for?" I ask. I then look to (Y/n) who seemed to be upset. "Huh? What's wrong (Y/n)?" "Hmph!" I heard him huff as he walked to the other stores alone. When I saw that I was so confused to what just happened. "What was that about?" I ask Riku who facepalms his forehead. "Sora... don't tell me you forgot..." he said sounding a bit off. "Forgot what?" I ask. "Oh my god... Today is (Y/n)'s birthday!"

My eyes widened in shock. "W-WHAT?!" I yell which probably made other look at me but I didn't care. "B-But I thought his birthday was tomorrow! I had the entire day planned for him!" I continue to yell. "Well you didn't hear him correctly when he said it was (d.o.b)! Now he thinks you forgot his birthday!" Riku said and I felt guilt wash all over me. "Riku you've gotta help me make it right for him!" I hold Riku as I begged for him to help me. "Sora he's your boyfriend! I can't do anything for you! You're on your own!" He says as he moves me off of him. I then look down to my feet, I feel so terrible. I then hear Riku sigh and put his hand on my shoulder. "Look I can't help you physically, but I can give you some advice. Just explain to him everything and maybe things will smooth over. That's all I can give." He said and I nod in response. "Once (Y/n) is done shopping I'll take him back to the Inn so you can talk to him. Okay?" Riku said and I nod eagerly. "Yes! Thank you Riku!" I then head back to the Inn as fast as I could.

Once I got back to the Inn I went into the room I shared with Riku and (Y/n). Once I was inside I sat on the bed me and (Y/n) shared and began to ponder. "What is the best way to explain myself? Will he believe me? Will he forgive me?" Each question I asked myself made me worry so much on what is going to happen. I shook my head to be rid of those thoughts, I'm just gonna speak from the heart.


I waited around thirty minutes for Riku and (Y/n) t arrive back. I didn't know how long they were taking and I was about to fall asleep for waiting for so long. But then I heard the door open and I heard familiar voices. "Thanks for taking me shopping Riku! I had fun!" That voice I heard was (Y/n). "Hehe. No problem (Y/n). And again happy birthday." I heard Riku say. "Alright I'll be back. Kairi and Lea want me to help them with something. I'll see you soon okay?" "Alright Riku. See you soon." And then I heard the door close. I then saw (Y/n) walk inside the room with bags in his hand, probably from the shopping.

When he saw me, he gave a upset look in my direction and looked away from me. It hurt me inside everything he did that. I need to explain myself. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday! I honestly thought I was tomorrow!" I said to him but he still didn't look at me. "I had all of tomorrow planned for you. We were going to have a picnic, got to a festival, and look at the sunset when it was all over. I just wanted it to be special because this is the first birthday we would have as a couple. I wanted it to be memorable, but I guess I did it the wrong way. (Y/n) I'm so sorry I forgot, but I don't want you to ignore me!" I said and I felt tears come out of my eyes. "Please (Y/n) I'm so so sorry..." more tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't see straight anymore.

I then felt something on my lips and I realized (Y/n) was kissing me. More tears fell down as I kissed back, to be honest the kiss felt bittersweet. We then parted our lips and I then felt him move his hands to dry my tears. At this point I was prepared for whatever he would say to me. I closed my eyes and waited for his response. But it never came...

I then heard bags fall and suddenly I felt arms wrap around my body. I open my eyes only to see (Y/n) hugging me with a tear or two falling down from his cheek. "Sora... I didn't know... I'm so sorry for acting like that!" He said with his voice sounding a bit shaky. "At first I was upset when you didn't say happy birthday to me, and I was upset when I thought you forgot, but after hearing you I feel so bad for being mean to you. I'm so sorry Sora, I'm a terrible boyfriend!" I heard him say. My eyes then widen and I lift up his chin to which I then kiss him.

He was shocked at first but relaxed as the kiss progressed. I felt him move his arms from my waist to my neck and I held him tightly around his waist. I then lick his lips, asking to enter inside his mouth. He then opens his mouth and I roam my tongue inside, making him moan as I moved it around. After doing this for a solid minute I pulled away with a string of saliva coming out from our lips. I look to (Y/n) whose face was red from the small heated kiss.

"(Y/n) don't say things like that. You are the best boyfriend I could ever have. And the only one at that. Nothing will ever change that." I said and I saw more tears come out of his eyes. I then hug him tightly and he hugged back as slowly he calmed down. I then pull away and dry his tears now. "Here I got you something..." I said as I went to the kitchen (this room has a kitchen, okay?) and pulled out a (f/f) cupcake I made myself. It was topped with (f/c) frosting and a candle just waiting to be lit.

I then walk back to (Y/n) with the cupcake in one hand and a match in the other. I gave him the cupcake and struck the match, making it go ablaze. I then moved the lit match to the castle which made the candle light up with the flame. I the put the match out and look to (Y/n) straight in the eyes with a kind and gentle smile.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear (Y/n), happy birthday to you."

"Make a wish."

He then blew out the candle.

"So what did you wish for?" I ask. He then looks at me and smiles. "I wished that I could hold the world in my hands." He said and I laugh. "Really? But you can't do that." I said while still laughing. He then put the cupcake down and put both his on the sides of my face. He smiles at me and I realized what he meant. "Yes I can." I blush red for falling for that trick, but I smile at him. "Hehe. You're adorable, you know that?" I told him and he giggles. "Hehehe. I know but I'm glad to hear it from the one I love." He said and he kissed me on my lips again.

"Happy Birthday (Y/n)."

Okay I managed to finish the chapter on my birthday (Feb. 12) and thank god I finished it before midnight. If you read my other books you could see that I did a birthday special for that book, so I decided to do it here with one of the best KH boys around. If your birthday is near then I wish you a happy birthday and wish for many happy more to come! Thanks for reading! I'll see y'all soon!

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