CH. 23

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It's the night of the dance and everyone is getting ready, you put a normal Black suit with a red tie Eryk does the same but he isn't wearing a blazer his sleeves rolled up Olivia gets into a Black dress with Red lining making a Flame pattern on it and Nyomi puts on a normal White dress you notice Eryk is going with his Fedora on and you start to think about something

(F/N): (Come to think of it I've never seen Eryk without his Fedora.) Hey Eryk.

Eryk: Hm?

(F/N): I just noticed you never take off your Fedora even when you sleep you don't take it off, why is that?

Eryk: Well this fedora is very dear to me.

You can tell Eryk is lying so you decide to come up with a little scheme

(F/N): Hey Eryk wanna make a bet?

You can tell Eryk is interested as he raises an eyebrow

Eryk: What kind of bet are we talking about?

(F/N): Whoever gets the most votes to become the dance king gets to have the other person do whatever action they want once.

Eryk: Well you know the right words to get to me.

(F/N): So you in?

Eryk: Do you need to ask.

The two of you shake hands as the 8 of you head of to the dance right off the bat you see people socialize off to the side and people dancing on the dance floor you enter with your team and team RWBY as you take a glance at Eryk as he glances back at you the bet was now on so you try to socialize with as many people as possible Eryk does the same this goes on until the two of you have practically talked to everyone at the dance you move of the side as you go to get a cup of punch you notice Pyrrha head out towards the Balcony as you see Jaune alone off to the side looking a bit down so you walk over to him

(F/N): Hey Jaune.

Jaune: Oh uh hey (F/N).

(F/N): Why are you standing here all alone I thought you would be with Pyrrha right now?

Jaune: Well you see... I didn't ask her to the dance.

(F/N): W-WHAT!? Why didn't you ask her!?

Jaune: I mean look at my position she's Popular with everyone and good at almost everything, then look at me I'm just your average guy she's out of my league.

You put down your drink as you start to give Jaune some life advice

(F/N): Ok Jaune take it from me you'll never get the chance if you don't take a risk nothing good in life comes easy.

Jaune: I know it's just-

(F/N): Jaune I want you to look at the crowd do you see Pyrrha anywhere in the crowd.

Jaune: Know that you mention it I don't see her.

(F/N): That's because she's alone at the Balcony right now and I think you should go talk to her.

You pat Jaune on the back as you see he gets a surge of confidence

Jaune: Your right I'm going to talk to her.

You smile as you lightly push Jaune towards the door to the Balcony as you pick up your drink and raise it towards him

(F/N): Go get em, tiger.

You finish up your drink as you get another one and head over to Weiss and Blake who are chatting to one another they notice you walk up

(F/N): This is place is pretty packed.

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