Chapter 26 - Forgiveness

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Chapter 26 – Forgiveness 

{Some time later}

Sakura's POV

The first day of second semester.

So quick, yet, so slow.

Most students could see this as a new beginning, to start fresh again and try their best in school before final exams approach. But me? I just want to finish the school year and change schools as fast as I can. It's the only plan I could come up with, it's either that or graduate early. There is no point for me to even be here anymore.

Not when I must see the face of the man I hurt, every day. Well, every last period of the day.

"Alright, flip your book to page 22. That will be your assigned homework for today. I expect a full typed paper to be turned in tomorrow. Remember, know pain." My new teacher, Mr. Pein said with a straight face.

I sighed and got my belongings and left my new AP History class. Yes, it turns out I was now taking a hard class instead of my regular class with Mr. Guy. Classes just became different the moment second semester started.

I looked at my revised schedule.

1. AP History - Pein

2. Physical Education - Guy

3. AP English - Konan

4. AP Physics - Kurenai

5. AP Anatomy - Sarutobi

6. AP Calculus - TBA (To Be Announced)

7. AP Technology - Hatake

It seems I only have Kakashi in the last period. That means I must wait to see him until the very end. Sigh, why does he have to be last?

My heart aches to see him. But at the same time, I don't want to. I will only cause him suffering. I know my presence will hurt him... but ugh. I don't know what to do.

I still want to tell him the truth, but I don't know if that's possible anymore, considering what happened the other day.


"Sakura, hey you alright?" Hinata, who was sitting across from me on the cafeteria table, stared at me with a worried look. It was lunch time, but I wasn't really eating anything.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. "Kind of worried though. My classes were switched around, and some are new." I showed her my schedule.

"Huh, it seems our calculus teacher still hasn't been selected." she said. I nodded, Kakashi was the one who was previously teaching us, now it seems we're getting someone new. "I wonder who it could be, since Mr. Hatake is a pretty good teacher. I'm worried this one won't be as great."

"Same, I'm also worried about that." Aside from everything we've been through together, Kakashi really is an amazing teacher. Or maybe, I'm just good at each subject? Hmm...

As for Sasuke, he told me he was going out to help Itachi look for an outfit for his brother's wedding. Which I'm relieved I don't have to see him today. He did tell me to behave, pfft. Like I'm his child instead of his girlfriend.


I turned around at the female voice.

"Ino?" I looked at her. She was wearing her school uniform like the rest of us, but I noticed her skirt was way too short. Last I recall, the only time she ever did that, was when she was single and looking for a new man. Something must have happened with Sai... I do remember her crying the other day... "How are you?"

Kakashi x Sakura Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora