But he refused to fall. THE Katsuki Bakugou does NOT fall down when his opponent may still be standing across from him. He hoped with his entire being that she was down. That he could just take a small, tiny, itty-bitty nap before continuing on to the next round. The next round was the finals, the match that would determine the best of the best in U.A hero academia.

"Blondie!" Noriko called. Katsuki froze. "That was really close, I'm impressed, all of that without your gear! Have you been practicing while I was in the hospital? Well, it doesn't matter if your attack doesn't hit your target now does it" she chuckled to herself and watched everyone in the stadium freak out at her laid back reaction to Bakugou's big attack.

"You forgot who you're fighting Blondie, I'm not just anyone, now am I? What makes me different blondie? Did you forget? I'm standing right in front of you, that part of me that all of you enjoy messing with just might be my biggest strength, now, Blondie, how did I do it?"

"You're a pipsqueak" he stated.

"Well, not really wrong but you could have said it nicer" she pouted. "I could lay down and leisurely watch your attack rage on above me, listening to the rest of you talk about how it had done me in, I've been giving a lot of speeches today but, I think this one might be important; your greatest weaknesses, are often also your greatest strengths, my quirk isn't physical like most people who enrolled here, I worked hard, I learned, and I am proof that you don't really need a quirk to be in the most renowned school in Japan. Any quirks kids need to hear this, and honestly I'm kinda just using your failure here Blondie please don't hold it against me" she winked at him and stuck out her tongue before continuing. "All the short, bullied, quirkless, lonely, ignored, well off, rich, popular, multi quirked, people...pretty much everyone... hear me when I say that you can be whatever you want. Does your family or society want you to do something and you don't want to, that's okay, do what you love and have fun doing it, look at yourself in the mirror and don't look the labels that float above you, look at the cursive script written in your heart, what you love, what your failings are, and then think about how you can turn those failings into the strongest part of what you're doing. Make it your ally and use it to succeed!" some people in the audience were baffled while others were empowered.

Aizawa was slightly sick of his student who was fresh out of her medical supports, being all preachy and yelling at heroes, people, and society in general. But he was also proud, he would expect nothing less from the daughter of the JSDF and an incredible wanna-be hero.

She turned back to Bakugou who was swaying on his feet, his body weight threatening to pull him down to the ground with just a small breeze. So that's what Noriko did. She walked over slowly, confidently, stood right in front of him, took a deep breath, and exhaled. The condensed air knocked off his hard-won balance and he fell.

Noriko nudged him with her foot. The action was soon joined by Midnight doing the same and vaguely asking him if he could continue. He didn't respond verbally, he simply closed his eyes and didn't open them again, not that he had died though, he was simply asleep.

"NORIKO SACHIKO WILL ADVANCE TO THE FINAL ROUND WHERE SHE WILL FACE THE MIND CONTROLLER HIMSELF HITOSHI SHINSOU" Present Mic announced excitedly, "THEY HAVE FOUGHT EACH OTHER SEVERAL TIMES AND NORIKO HAS GIVEN HIM LOADS OF ADVICE, WILL HE BE ABLE TO DEFEAT HIS TEACHER!?" the crowd was buzzing with excitement, sitting on the edge of their seats, "WITH THAT, we are gonna take a short break to take care of Bakugou and give Noriko a chance to breathe before the final round.

"EHHHH" the crowd roared not wanting to wait the fifteen minutes to half an hour it would take before the next round began.

The heroes decided to make the final round a little more difficult by not fixing the floor of the damage Bakugou wrought upon it so they would have to fight on uneven ground like they would if there were in a real hero-villain battle. 

The next fight was bound to be interesting.

A.N. okay so 1) I'm really sorry for not writing for like a really long time, my sister was in the hospital, I'm getting ready for the science olympiad competition, I just started the new semester which is really hectic, and the play I'm doing for drama has really strict deadlines on when you need to have your lines memorized so I have been trying to do all of that and haven't gotten to writing, I have totally been doing a lot of reading but not really writing so I'm sorry about that but anyways. I am also kinda sorry that she's really preachy or if her speeches didn't make sense, I feel like since she's a villain because the heroes were messing up she would be really like screw your social standards and do what you want (for example I became a villain despite everyone thinking I would become a hero) and since she has all of these things pushing her back I wanted to turn those into strengths and I wanted her to tell other people to turn their weaknesses into strengths and I mean if you have a crowd use it so this was the best platform for her to do so which is why she is doing it so much, again, sorry if you don't like it but yeah. HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT THING BYE!

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now