"Bottom-Left, Right-Up"

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(Only those who'll read the entire poem can understand)

"Bottom-Left, Right-Up"

You might be fooled but the direction is
Even you works all year round, rememember, life must bring you down before it pulls you up

For our Author knows the start and end of your story
Lastly, You shouldn't contradict life
Be brave and  be confident being a fighter
Remember even clouds  pour rains when they are full, so as you who reading this
As long as you'll continue to fight again
First, it is not bad to give up and cry

Then I realized some important lessons
You just have to hold on and keep going
Life never been unfair, in fact since the day of creation it is balance
Ending life isn't the solution because you must know that

So I ended asking to be forgiven again
Too riduculous knowing that I did 't owned this life
Obliviously dropped the sharp and sighed
Pulling  my breath out to my soul but
I'd an imbecile plan before and it was

Unbeknownst that I'd tell it to him that
I curve my lips and look on to his eyes
So glad to see the street childrens recovered on their  nightmares
'We did it' He uttered then lips touches my forehead

Smile on their lips can't be counted
I dreamed of this being with him
To help and save lives is the goal of our relationship since
We're in an orphanage sharing wisdom of God because

Since before, God is iniside of their heart
They haven't meet yet the world but
God blessed them before being born
Lame, mute, blind persons were so gifted for

Go read it again backward as what the title says

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