«wrong order» ゚・

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A/N: the italics are jeongguk's thoughts homies, just to clarify uwu

Jeongguk didn't have to wait long before a soft 'thump' was heard against the table, and light wisps of warmth grazed his forehead. He looked up, and saw it: beloved caffeine, one of his few purposes for standing this obnoxious world teeming with uncultured swines. Including himself.

His eyes were wide and sparkling as he did a little clap of victory, not seeing the waitress anywhere to thank her, but not caring enough to look away from the drink for more than 3 seconds at a time. Finally, my precious is here, he thought with pure glee.

But, that was when he noticed something strange.

His drink, it had some sort of red and white streaks, which he was sure would not come with any kind of caramel coffee. He leaned forward to take a quick sniff, and nearly gagged at the smell that invaded his nostrils:

c h e r r y

Jeongguk is not saying that cherry is disgusting and absolutely repulsive to every bone in his waking body, but that's exactly what he was saying. He hated cherries, mostly because he had almost died once as a younger boy when he had choked on the pit of a cherry. So, cherries basically equaled death.

Desperately trying to control his gag reflex, Jeongguk took the drink in one hand and raised his other, gesturing at the girl that had taken his order to come over.

"yes, sir?"

"I-I'm sorry, Miss, um," gag . "U-um, I did not order this," he spat, raising the fruit-infested drink closer to her hands and away from his face. "I would n-never order this."

The girl's eyes widened in fear, and it seemed that panic was getting the best of her. She grasped at the drink and pulled it close to her as she spoke. "S-sir, I'm so sorry, I didn't, I-I didn't bring you this. Your drink should still be mixing in the back, I-"

"Get me your manager."

Okay, okay, before you come for his wig, Jeongguk was not planning on getting the girl fired or suing the damn café, but he did want to make the mix up clear to the owner. He was just sickly nauseated by the very smell of cherries, but what if another person that might've received this was allergic? They may not have noticed, and something serious could've resulted for both the customer and the café.

And he brunette's day had also been absolute crap from the moment he broke his favorite bottle of perfume to when he switched out his mouthwash for aftershave, so let the man be petty for fucks sake.

The girl's bottom lip trembled, and the words she tried to formulate seemed to break up in her throat. Wiping a small tear away from the corner of her eye, she nodded shortly and bustled away from Jeongguk and toward the kitchen of the café, short little hiccups leaving her mouth as she used her apron in a failed attempt to hide her reddened face.

"N-no! Don't-" he called after her, but she had already disappeared behind the tawny counter.

"Shit," the boy muttered sourly. Great going, dipshit. You can cross off 'make a teen cry' from your bucket list, now. Jeongguk felt like total crap, even more than usual, but a part of him just really wanted continue being petty. He was tired, life was tired, and that bottle of bleach was patiently waiting for him at home. He could really enjoy the satisfaction of feeling power, so let him have it dammit. The manager would probably be one of those gross, fat, bald, and filthy rich men that flirted with any remotely attractive female in a desperate attempt at getting laid for his money, unlike the other sweet girl, so he would thoroughly enjoy himself.

"S-sir, is everything all right? I was told you requested the manager, so I'll offer what I can for your service."

It's your moment, Jeongguk. Go off, king, let the uncultured know what they've done.

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